Teenaged Shenanigans.
  "Everything was being held together by a stitch, a poorly sewn stitch done in haste. It was all bound to fall apart in a matter of seconds, optimistically even minutes, but the hope that it would stay put was still there. The foolish hope that always arises whenever everything would be united, the foolish desire and longing for a lasting happiness. Conveniently, the mocking stitch would unravel and let things fall apart when the feeling of hope was at a sky high. Always coming undone when you feel that maybe, for once, it would keep things together longer than expected.
  Never let the poorly done stitch fool you though, it will never keep things together long enough for you to be truely happy. It will always fall apart and you need to learn to stop getting your hopes up so high. Get use to disappointment, there’ll be more of it in life than you can imagine. Don’t cry over the piece of string on the floor that once held together your happiness, instead, lift up your chin and go somewhere or do something that won’t require you to be dependent on a silly string for happiness."

I don't know. I'm tired of pretending to be happy. I need to break down every once in a while. If you can't deal with that, then I'm sorry, but you can't be in my life. I'm going to cry sometimes, no matter how much I don't want to, and you're going to have to be there to make sure I don't do something stupid to myself. It'll only last 2-4 days, don't worry. I'll be back with an amazing fake smile and laugh before you know it. Cracking jokes and making sure that you don't feel like shit while I'm slowly dying on the inside. But hey, at least you're fine, right?

It's highly needed right now. We're going to Charleston next Wednesday in case one of you guys decide to stalk me. Good luck with that. 
But yeah! We're leaving Wednesday and coming back Monday, so no blogging from me that week. And I forgot if Rose is coming back in that time....so....sorry.
  Anyway, today's topic: Procrastination.
Okay, seriously, when I typed that, I went to walk around the house for a bit. Procrastination is like a disease in the summer, no joke. Every kid (and maybe adult) get it one way or another. It's the roughest for kids though. Especially if they have summer assignments DUE IN FOUR FREAKIN' WEEKS AND THEY HAVEN'T ACCOMPLISHED ANYTHING. See what I mean? I'm so lazy. I really do need to work on that, but how do you work on laziness? It's one of the hardest things to fix! I should get started on my work, but there's no motivation...besides the fact that it's due in four weeks. That just sort of puts me down. *sigh*
  Procrastinating can honestly ruin your life. If you never get done whatever you were meaning to get done, then the consequences (long and short term) could be really bad. Also, once you get in a habit of doing it, it's quite difficult to stop. Always putting things off for the last minute just so you can do other things in the mean time. Things that don't really matter as much as getting your work done. Like, watching videos on youtube, hanging out with friends, reorganizing your bookshelf, and watching tv. *cough*writingthisblog*cough*
  I'm going to go google procrastination and cures for it.
And yes, I realize that me doing that is just a lame excuse to not do my summer assignments.
BUT I'm doing it so I don't procrastinate in the future!! Okay, that's a lie. See? That also happens. You lie to yourself to try to make yourself feel better about not doing what you're suppose to be doing.
STOP PROCRASTINATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hate them.
No, that wasn't a suck attempt at writing a poem. Even though I did write one while I was there yesterday...I always write something when I'm there. I mean what else is there to do? I'm not going to cry or anything, that's just a waste of time. I'm not going to go pray, and I'm definitely not going to talk to anybody. Nope, my best option is just to shutup and write.
  But let me break down what I did at the hospital yesterday.
5:30-7:48pm: Waited in waiting room #1
7:49-8:06pm: Waited for nurse in tiny room
8:07-9:01pm: Ekg check, vitals check, etc.
9:02-11:23pm: Waited in waiting room #2
11:24pm-12:57am: Doctor did shizz.
12:58-1:18am: Waited for father outside.
Came home at 1:35 am and talked to peepz then went to sleep. Sleep was highly needed. HIGHLY.
  And that whole time in the hospital, I was either listening to or singing "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran, my new sad song. Check it out! It's pretty good. But...yeah. datxz wat i diD yesturdaiix.
What did you guys do? (I totally want you to answer that....totally)
  Um...OH. The poem. Wanna see it? It's not all that, but....*shrugs*

I'd know her cough out of all the others.
I'd know her shallow breathing above all rest.
I'd recognize her hair in a large crowd.
I'd recognize her laugh in the dark.
But most of all,
I'd notice her silence in the noise.

Chyah. Don't you dare steal that piece of crap poem *death glare*

  Yup. I was right. Shit happened yesterday. Lovely. 
 Happiness in this household can never survive for more than a day.
  Anyway, Rose is gone away to Bible Camp or whatever it's called and you guys are stuck with me for a week or two! Woo! *crickets*
  Well, don't act too happy now! Your face might just crack from that huge smile! I'm not that cool, geez guys. 

  So you know what I woke up to at 4 in the morning?? Any guesses?? Yes, you in the back! Oh, did you say the sound of the annoying neighbor mowing his lawn?? YOU WOULD BE CORRECT SIR! Your prize: an internet hug from me. I know how you've been desperate for one for so long.
(I feel crazy right now.)
  But yeah! First of all, who mows their lawn at four in the morning? Second of all, who mows their lawn for more than 20 minutes??! WHO?! WHAT KIND OF HUMAN BEING?! YOUR LAWN WILL BE FINE. Jesus. 
I'm actually thinking about letting my dog go poop on the lawn. Teach them a lesson, it will.

  This blog actually has no purpose, I've been going in and out, typing for at least an hour of random thoughts that come to my head. For instance, guys that can sing are really attractive. Aren't they? It's great if someone can sing me to sleep or make me swoon by just the sound of their voice. *cough*dom*cough*
  Whaaat? Who said that? I said nothing.

  I just saw this hilarious commercial. It was these two little boys playing air hockey on a glass table with....wait for it...waiiiit fooorr itttttt......their grandma's dentures xD ohh my. The commercial was for Lysol or something.

Right, I'm going to end this horrible blog for today c: I'll plan something better for tomorrow. Promise.

  "Take a second look and you'll see, there is no one like me."
  "You better reconsider, because you will never do better."
Preach it, Chiddy, preach.
  GUYS! I feel really bipolar considering my blog from yesterday, but I'm so happy! I feel like a brand new person! I dyed my hair auburn, and I've been doing it for a while, but it stands out this time! :D
I feel like I can accomplish anything! I have butterflies, no, scratch that. I have frikkin' FROGS in my stomach! Not as graceful as butterflies, I know, but that's what it feels like. I've been jumping around this whole house entertaining my folks with my amazing singing skills. I'm sure they were just covering up their ears because if they listened to any more of my beautiful voice, they might die. They're so lovely! :')
I even baked a couple cupcakes!! Cinnamon, vanilla, and chocolate! They turned out pretty great if I do say so myself.
  Wow, I'm gonna go enjoy this happiness while it lasts because something horrible is bound to happen.
By the way, song of the week: Mind Your Manners: Chiddy Bang

  Two blogs in one day. Don't you guys feel so special? :)
I know you probably want to go shit unicorns right now, but please, contain yourselves! Manners are very important in my book!
  But anyway, I just finished reading all of Rose's latest blogs and I just wanted to say that Dom is NOT my "boy toy"!!! :P so Rose, shutup. (See, Dom, I'm sticking up for you! I'm not that horrible!)
Just wanted to make sure that was clear. Wouldn't want Rose to inflict your poor little heads with false information, she tends to do that often without realizing it. (kidding Rose, don't call me and start yelling. I will hang up.)
  Another thing! You guys...I don't really know how to say this, but Rose has a disease. The disease name is too ineffable, but I will tell you what it's about. You see...Rose has a problem with the left testicle. She's drawn to it! She can't help it of course, but it's so hard for her to resist even mentioning it at least once a day. The mere thought of the left testicle drives Rose mad. And when I say mad, I mean MAD. King Kong mad. (yes, she totally runs around a room pounding her chest grunting like a gorilla, I've seen it myself)
  I've been to the deep of the rainforest trying to find a cure for our dear friend, but unfortunately, my quests have ended up fruitless. (damn google)
So, all that we can do is pray--if you're religious--that her condition will diminish over time.
  Thank you for reading. I'm sure Rose will appreciate that I told you guys about all of this, she'll probably call me with tears of joy that I asked you guys to pray for her.

--About to be dead Dina. (:
  Have you guys ever just wanted to drop everything, forget about all the stress, and just run away? Go somewhere where not a single person knows your identity? I know most of you have.
I want to grab all the money I have, the car keys, and just bust it out of here. Drive until the gas runs out, and see how far it would get me. And if I'm not satisfied with the distance between me and this stupid city, I'll fill up the tank and keep going.
  This urge to go away has been strong for quite a while, but I'm actually thinking about stealing my dad's truck and going for it. Is that stupid? I don't care. I'm tired of this place. There's next to nothing to do, besides go to friend's houses, and sit at home dreaming of other places I could be. I want to live a little for once!! GAHHH. Who am I kidding? I'm going to stay at home and read a book, procrastinate on my summer assignments, and text Rose. As usual. 
I'm stuck in a rut, and I can't get out. (hahah, that reminded me of that old lady in those commercials "I've fallen and I can't get up!")
  But seriously, DAMN YOU RUT. DAMN YOU.

--Dina -_-
  You guys...I think I'm about to die. No, seriously. The inside of my throat is acting incredibly strange. The right side pulse is going faster than the left side, and it hurts so..so..soo..bad. It's excruciating pain, and I can't swallow without the threat of tears spilling. It feels like someone is gripping one end of my vein like their life depends on it, while hammering the other end like it's a stubborn nail that won't go into the wood.
  All I hear in my right ear is the pulsing and rushing of blood in my body. The pain is going into the back of my jaw too, so whenever I try to turn my head to the left, it feels like someone has put a dog collar shocker around the inside of my throat and set it to maximum PAIIIIIIIIN. I can't really chew either, unless I want to fall on the floor in pain and twitch beyond normality, screaming endless curses to all that are within ear shot of me. (am I the only one that thought of that farm scene from the exorcism after I said that?)

 Alrighty. Here's the deal, why don't you guys stop hating whatever you hate and I'll give you a lollipop? Whatever flavor you want. Or, better yet, I'll give you your heart's greatest desire. How does that sound?
  Pretty good, right? Get what you've always wanted just to stop hating whatever you hate. 
But..you see..that's the problem. No matter how amazing the thing that you want is, you're willing to stop hating something/someone for it. So it's not true hate, at all. If you truly hated it that much, you wouldn't be able to be bribed by anything to stop loathing it. Your head and heart couldn't be budged by any trivial or meaningful thing. You wouldn't care about fulfilling your greatest desire, because your greatest desire would be to hate that person/thing.
  My point, you may ask, is that hate is such a waste of time. It's a horrible word and feeling that should not exist. Hatred will get you absolutely nowhere in life. Well, ok, it might have been caused by a spark of envy, which might inspire you to do better than that person. But that's not really hatred, that's just jealousy, the close cousin of hate. 
  Anyway, don't go hating people and things. You may not like them, but that's no reason to full out hate them. Especially if your hate could be subdued by a cheap wanting. I don't hate Twilight, but I don't like it either. I simply just don't enjoy it, but that doesn't mean I go around and scream "I HATE TWILIGHT AND IT SUCKS BALLS!!!" when I go out. I just don't find Stephanie Myers writing that intriguing, I'm not going to make a big deal out of it like some others. Nothing can make me like her writing either, unless her style changes.
  I hate shrimp, but if my mom's health would get better by me eating some of it, then hell yes I would eat shrimp. I would go to an all you can eat buffet of shrimp and scarf everything down. Same thing goes for every other food I really don't like. 
  I mean, I get it though. Hate is a natural feeling that we all feel at one point or another, but don't let it consume you. It's not worth it. Life is better lived when you're loving instead of hating.

  Kidding. You guys are cool.
But today's question: Do you guys have multiple personalities? And no, not in a bipolar or schizophrenic way. I mean, do you act differently around certain people? Or do you just act the same way around everyone and not care about what they think?
  I, personally, have a lot of different personalities. The way I act around my friends, accqaintances, teachers, parents, and pets. Yes, pets. You know you all change when you're around a fuzzy little dog or fluffy little kitten. You act like it's a little baby and goo goo talk to it. Don't lie to yourself. 
But yeah, I'm a really crazy person who will talk about almost anything with you, without holding back. As long as I feel comfortable around you, that is. If I don't then I will probably act semi-shy and just go along with whatever you're saying and let you lead the conversation. 
 Sorry, you guys. I don't know where that came from at all...Shut up, I thought I locked you away. Geez, I'm trying to run a blog here. 
Anyway, I hate that you have to act different for certain people. And I hate that you have to build up certain personalities for particular events. Like, when you have to apply for a job. You have to make sure you have no visible tattoos, or weirdly placed piercings--
  Shutup!!!! You make no sense!!
Um, like I was saying, you have to make sure you look fit to do that job. You have to act professional and show them that you're fit for the job. If you're not really the job type, you're more of a care free nut who doesn't like all of that business stuff, then you have to act like someone you hate to be for who knows how long, for who knows how many days a week, for who knows how many years. It sort of sucks.
Go back to your corner!
My point is that even though how much I understand why some things are the way they are, they kinda suck. Why can't everyone just accept everyone else for how they are? We would live in such a simple world if that happened. People would gain the jobs they deserve, regardless of physical features, and everyone could be themselves without fear of being judged. They could marry whomever they chose, even. (that should already be the case, but ya know, the US is stupid)
  I would totally write more, but I'm very...very tired.
Oh my god, go somewhere!
Right, well, um....Goodnight. (sorry for the suck blog)
