Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Ten more days until the very last Harry Potter movie. Ten more days until I cry hysterically and my mother tells me to stop being stupid. Ten more days until.....THE END OF MY LIFE.
  Okay, it's not that dramatic, but still. (warning: if you don't enjoy the amazingness of Harry Potter stop reading now and go do something productive with your life)
  These books seriously changed my life, even though that sounds extremely corny, it's true. I use to HATE reading so much. I abhored it and anything to do with it. I would burn and shoot books if allowed. But then in 5th grade, I picked up Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban--yeah, I didn't really read the books in order at first--and I fell in LOVE with it. I started to read all the other books in the series and possibly became who I am today. I started to love to learn new words, and I had a whack at writing, which I learned I wasn't too bad at, and I learned to think more philosophically about things. Of course my character was defined even more in middle school, but Harry Potter brought out the fundamentals.
  After I read all of those I thought, "Hey, not all books are crap." so I started reading more and more. I was literally drowning in all the books I borrowed from the library. I obviously demanded that my mother buy me books too. She was so surprised by my sudden change that she obliged and bought me some. I think she regrets that decision to this day though xD I buy like three books everytime we go out. My dad had to build me another bigger bookshelf, but there's about to be no space left on that one either.
  So, yeah, Harry Potter got me into reading and writing. Two things that basically make up who I am. Without books and a way of writing I don't even know who I would be. Maybe I would be that teenager who goes to raves o.0 who knows. But anyway, the thing that made me who I am (for the most part) is going to END IN TEN FRIKKIN' DAYS. My heart is sad :( boo. There will be no more witty Ron moments, no more brave acts by Harry, and no more smart remarks from Hermione. It's all going to end, just like that. At least I'll still have the DVD's...
  And if you don't like Harry Potter, then I really don't care, but don't say it's pathetic or lame how it changed me. What changed you? Your friends? How is that any different than a book changing me? It still happened, didn't it? So why does it matter how? If you judge me, then you're lame yourself :P

--Sad Potterhead.
  HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY GUYS!!! Sorry we haven't posted that much, but you don't need to see us blather every day! :)
  So, July 4th, 1776. Veryyy historic date, if you guys don't know it then go up to your History teacher and tell him/her that they fail at teaching and should quit. (actually don't say that, that's mean.) 
Thomas BAMF Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence and saved America!! WOOOO. He's like a superhero, you guys. I see people admiring people like Lady Gaga, and Miley Cyrus, but seriously? You should admire Jefferson! You try writing something that, in the end, will decide whether your country gains independence or not (while under pressure because of the war, mind you). And pffft, anybody can write a couple song lyrics/roll around in meat and call it an outfit. (don't do the latter though, that's going to end up a hot mess)
  To this day we celebrate by launching fireworks (and damaging Earth....not that it isn't fun though), eating apple pie, chugging beer, having cook outs, and singing good ol' American songs. What a better way to celebrate? I personally enjoy the apple pie and bad karaoke parts the most. Who doesn't love to see Uncle Joe belt out the Star Spangled Banner while drunk? Very amusing if you ask me.
  So, take some time to stop hating your family (if you do) and spend this day with them! Or, if you can't stand them that much, go out with some friends! This is one holiday that should most definitely be spent with as many people as possible. 
  Well, bye! I'm gonna go launch some deadly missiles >:)

--Dina BAMF Jefferson.
(pst, my last name isn't really Jefferson)
  Ok, I saw that picture today and I got upset. 
 I should of all people know that a person's past may not be all rainbow shit and unicorns, but that's no reason to forget it. I understand that you probably don't want to relive the pain, or whatever it is that you went through, but it's so important to who you are. Your past made you who you are today, it either strengthened you or made you a weak mess. If it was the latter, forgetting what happened definitely isn't going to make you a stronger person.
  A strong person is one who can take his/her past and learn from it, do better things in life because of it, and live with it everyday. A weak person will just try to shoo it away and assume that that'll fix the problem. I can tell you, from experience, it will not. The past finds sneaky little ways to come back up and bite you in your ass, there's no running from it. There's only acceptance. I know it might take a while to accept your past and move on with it, but it's necessary to do so. If you want a healthy future, at least. You don't want your past to fuck up your future, do you?
  Sad/horrible moments deserve just as much recognition as happy moments do. They're all a part of a you, and your actions toward those define what kind of person you are.
  Basically, don't ever forget your past. I want you to remember it as clearly as you would a happy day doing whatever you love. I want you guys to use it to improve yourself as a human being. I want you guys to just accept the past as the past, and move on without it weighing you down. It is probably going to be the hardest thing you'll ever have to do in your life, for those who have yet to move on. Trust me.

--Weak Dina. (sorry about the shortness of this, and no I will not explain the title of this blog)