Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Yup. I was right. Shit happened yesterday. Lovely. 
 Happiness in this household can never survive for more than a day.
  Anyway, Rose is gone away to Bible Camp or whatever it's called and you guys are stuck with me for a week or two! Woo! *crickets*
  Well, don't act too happy now! Your face might just crack from that huge smile! I'm not that cool, geez guys. 

  So you know what I woke up to at 4 in the morning?? Any guesses?? Yes, you in the back! Oh, did you say the sound of the annoying neighbor mowing his lawn?? YOU WOULD BE CORRECT SIR! Your prize: an internet hug from me. I know how you've been desperate for one for so long.
(I feel crazy right now.)
  But yeah! First of all, who mows their lawn at four in the morning? Second of all, who mows their lawn for more than 20 minutes??! WHO?! WHAT KIND OF HUMAN BEING?! YOUR LAWN WILL BE FINE. Jesus. 
I'm actually thinking about letting my dog go poop on the lawn. Teach them a lesson, it will.

  This blog actually has no purpose, I've been going in and out, typing for at least an hour of random thoughts that come to my head. For instance, guys that can sing are really attractive. Aren't they? It's great if someone can sing me to sleep or make me swoon by just the sound of their voice. *cough*dom*cough*
  Whaaat? Who said that? I said nothing.

  I just saw this hilarious commercial. It was these two little boys playing air hockey on a glass table with....wait for it...waiiiit fooorr itttttt......their grandma's dentures xD ohh my. The commercial was for Lysol or something.

Right, I'm going to end this horrible blog for today c: I'll plan something better for tomorrow. Promise.


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