Teenaged Shenanigans.
It's highly needed right now. We're going to Charleston next Wednesday in case one of you guys decide to stalk me. Good luck with that. 
But yeah! We're leaving Wednesday and coming back Monday, so no blogging from me that week. And I forgot if Rose is coming back in that time....so....sorry.
  Anyway, today's topic: Procrastination.
Okay, seriously, when I typed that, I went to walk around the house for a bit. Procrastination is like a disease in the summer, no joke. Every kid (and maybe adult) get it one way or another. It's the roughest for kids though. Especially if they have summer assignments DUE IN FOUR FREAKIN' WEEKS AND THEY HAVEN'T ACCOMPLISHED ANYTHING. See what I mean? I'm so lazy. I really do need to work on that, but how do you work on laziness? It's one of the hardest things to fix! I should get started on my work, but there's no motivation...besides the fact that it's due in four weeks. That just sort of puts me down. *sigh*
  Procrastinating can honestly ruin your life. If you never get done whatever you were meaning to get done, then the consequences (long and short term) could be really bad. Also, once you get in a habit of doing it, it's quite difficult to stop. Always putting things off for the last minute just so you can do other things in the mean time. Things that don't really matter as much as getting your work done. Like, watching videos on youtube, hanging out with friends, reorganizing your bookshelf, and watching tv. *cough*writingthisblog*cough*
  I'm going to go google procrastination and cures for it.
And yes, I realize that me doing that is just a lame excuse to not do my summer assignments.
BUT I'm doing it so I don't procrastinate in the future!! Okay, that's a lie. See? That also happens. You lie to yourself to try to make yourself feel better about not doing what you're suppose to be doing.
STOP PROCRASTINATING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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