Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Have you guys ever just wanted to drop everything, forget about all the stress, and just run away? Go somewhere where not a single person knows your identity? I know most of you have.
I want to grab all the money I have, the car keys, and just bust it out of here. Drive until the gas runs out, and see how far it would get me. And if I'm not satisfied with the distance between me and this stupid city, I'll fill up the tank and keep going.
  This urge to go away has been strong for quite a while, but I'm actually thinking about stealing my dad's truck and going for it. Is that stupid? I don't care. I'm tired of this place. There's next to nothing to do, besides go to friend's houses, and sit at home dreaming of other places I could be. I want to live a little for once!! GAHHH. Who am I kidding? I'm going to stay at home and read a book, procrastinate on my summer assignments, and text Rose. As usual. 
I'm stuck in a rut, and I can't get out. (hahah, that reminded me of that old lady in those commercials "I've fallen and I can't get up!")
  But seriously, DAMN YOU RUT. DAMN YOU.

--Dina -_-

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