Teenaged Shenanigans.
Hate them.
No, that wasn't a suck attempt at writing a poem. Even though I did write one while I was there yesterday...I always write something when I'm there. I mean what else is there to do? I'm not going to cry or anything, that's just a waste of time. I'm not going to go pray, and I'm definitely not going to talk to anybody. Nope, my best option is just to shutup and write.
  But let me break down what I did at the hospital yesterday.
5:30-7:48pm: Waited in waiting room #1
7:49-8:06pm: Waited for nurse in tiny room
8:07-9:01pm: Ekg check, vitals check, etc.
9:02-11:23pm: Waited in waiting room #2
11:24pm-12:57am: Doctor did shizz.
12:58-1:18am: Waited for father outside.
Came home at 1:35 am and talked to peepz then went to sleep. Sleep was highly needed. HIGHLY.
  And that whole time in the hospital, I was either listening to or singing "The A Team" by Ed Sheeran, my new sad song. Check it out! It's pretty good. But...yeah. datxz wat i diD yesturdaiix.
What did you guys do? (I totally want you to answer that....totally)
  Um...OH. The poem. Wanna see it? It's not all that, but....*shrugs*

I'd know her cough out of all the others.
I'd know her shallow breathing above all rest.
I'd recognize her hair in a large crowd.
I'd recognize her laugh in the dark.
But most of all,
I'd notice her silence in the noise.

Chyah. Don't you dare steal that piece of crap poem *death glare*


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