Teenaged Shenanigans.
 Alrighty. Here's the deal, why don't you guys stop hating whatever you hate and I'll give you a lollipop? Whatever flavor you want. Or, better yet, I'll give you your heart's greatest desire. How does that sound?
  Pretty good, right? Get what you've always wanted just to stop hating whatever you hate. 
But..you see..that's the problem. No matter how amazing the thing that you want is, you're willing to stop hating something/someone for it. So it's not true hate, at all. If you truly hated it that much, you wouldn't be able to be bribed by anything to stop loathing it. Your head and heart couldn't be budged by any trivial or meaningful thing. You wouldn't care about fulfilling your greatest desire, because your greatest desire would be to hate that person/thing.
  My point, you may ask, is that hate is such a waste of time. It's a horrible word and feeling that should not exist. Hatred will get you absolutely nowhere in life. Well, ok, it might have been caused by a spark of envy, which might inspire you to do better than that person. But that's not really hatred, that's just jealousy, the close cousin of hate. 
  Anyway, don't go hating people and things. You may not like them, but that's no reason to full out hate them. Especially if your hate could be subdued by a cheap wanting. I don't hate Twilight, but I don't like it either. I simply just don't enjoy it, but that doesn't mean I go around and scream "I HATE TWILIGHT AND IT SUCKS BALLS!!!" when I go out. I just don't find Stephanie Myers writing that intriguing, I'm not going to make a big deal out of it like some others. Nothing can make me like her writing either, unless her style changes.
  I hate shrimp, but if my mom's health would get better by me eating some of it, then hell yes I would eat shrimp. I would go to an all you can eat buffet of shrimp and scarf everything down. Same thing goes for every other food I really don't like. 
  I mean, I get it though. Hate is a natural feeling that we all feel at one point or another, but don't let it consume you. It's not worth it. Life is better lived when you're loving instead of hating.


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