Teenaged Shenanigans.
  "Everything was being held together by a stitch, a poorly sewn stitch done in haste. It was all bound to fall apart in a matter of seconds, optimistically even minutes, but the hope that it would stay put was still there. The foolish hope that always arises whenever everything would be united, the foolish desire and longing for a lasting happiness. Conveniently, the mocking stitch would unravel and let things fall apart when the feeling of hope was at a sky high. Always coming undone when you feel that maybe, for once, it would keep things together longer than expected.
  Never let the poorly done stitch fool you though, it will never keep things together long enough for you to be truely happy. It will always fall apart and you need to learn to stop getting your hopes up so high. Get use to disappointment, there’ll be more of it in life than you can imagine. Don’t cry over the piece of string on the floor that once held together your happiness, instead, lift up your chin and go somewhere or do something that won’t require you to be dependent on a silly string for happiness."

I don't know. I'm tired of pretending to be happy. I need to break down every once in a while. If you can't deal with that, then I'm sorry, but you can't be in my life. I'm going to cry sometimes, no matter how much I don't want to, and you're going to have to be there to make sure I don't do something stupid to myself. It'll only last 2-4 days, don't worry. I'll be back with an amazing fake smile and laugh before you know it. Cracking jokes and making sure that you don't feel like shit while I'm slowly dying on the inside. But hey, at least you're fine, right?

8/7/2011 02:37:17 pm

And you wonder why I worry about you.....


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