Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Two blogs in one day. Don't you guys feel so special? :)
I know you probably want to go shit unicorns right now, but please, contain yourselves! Manners are very important in my book!
  But anyway, I just finished reading all of Rose's latest blogs and I just wanted to say that Dom is NOT my "boy toy"!!! :P so Rose, shutup. (See, Dom, I'm sticking up for you! I'm not that horrible!)
Just wanted to make sure that was clear. Wouldn't want Rose to inflict your poor little heads with false information, she tends to do that often without realizing it. (kidding Rose, don't call me and start yelling. I will hang up.)
  Another thing! You guys...I don't really know how to say this, but Rose has a disease. The disease name is too ineffable, but I will tell you what it's about. You see...Rose has a problem with the left testicle. She's drawn to it! She can't help it of course, but it's so hard for her to resist even mentioning it at least once a day. The mere thought of the left testicle drives Rose mad. And when I say mad, I mean MAD. King Kong mad. (yes, she totally runs around a room pounding her chest grunting like a gorilla, I've seen it myself)
  I've been to the deep of the rainforest trying to find a cure for our dear friend, but unfortunately, my quests have ended up fruitless. (damn google)
So, all that we can do is pray--if you're religious--that her condition will diminish over time.
  Thank you for reading. I'm sure Rose will appreciate that I told you guys about all of this, she'll probably call me with tears of joy that I asked you guys to pray for her.

--About to be dead Dina. (:

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