Teenaged Shenanigans.
Well obviously I'm awake and alive, I'm here blogging aren't I? But I'm also listening to Awake and Alive by Skillet. Check out Skillet's album Awake. It's has a lot more ballad-y songs and is just so calming and relaxing. Their last two albums were really good. Awake and Comatose, go listen children.

Haha that reminded me of how Lady Gaga calls her fans little monsters. Hehe I'm going to make up a name for you guys. Any suggestions? If you tell us on Twitter (@dinaandrose). Or Facebook (Dina & Rose).

Anyways the REAL REASON i decided to write a blog is well, a few reasons. Life is such, ugh no comment-o. But a friend of mine emailed me a story he wrote. And needless to sayIT WAS AMAZING!!!! The style was amazing, and the characterization was amazing. Props to you my friend, you know who you are (SHIT! That sounded creepy. Great next thing you know I'm going to be Facebook stalking someone. I'll stalk Dina :D hehe). Well school started last week, it already sucks. IB is the most challenging program offered in all US school, I know I checked. I better get into a good fucking college for this -________-. Anyways blogs will be sporadic.

Dina, who the hell knows when that bitch gonna update (still telling Andrew. I can handle my ish, so suck it bitch). Me? When ever something seriously inspires me, or I have some new poetry. I've got a few right now. I can for once say thank you for my Personal Project because it forces me to write a poem pretty much everyday. Ok well I've gotta go. Debate ishness to work on, woop (anyone hear the sarcasm in that besides me???)

Love all you guys, just an FYI just in case you didn't know that!

-Rose <3

-Rose -____-

Ps There was an earthquake in virginia, and I felt the vibrations! Whoaness.
I gots a phishy! Yay! Her name is Malý Raisa, which means Little Rose, cause she has a red tail. It's a betta phishy, and it's sooooo cuuuuutttteee. (Jesus I sound like my mother). *sighs*

Any who I just got back from getting my phishy and I'm all excited now. Even Mr. Fuckshit piece of shit aka MFSPS couldn't ruin my mood right now! :DDDDDDD I'll write a better blog later once I calm down.

Love you guys, bye!

-Velký Raisa <33333333
Ok since Dina keeps a FUCKED up sleep schedule she is horrible at daily blogging, (either that or she's too busy talking to her bf Mr. Fuckshit piece of shit, which is his new nickname and I will only refer to him as such). Anyways if you're tired of Dina never updating just send me a message, and I'll do it for you. Except I'll add a bunch of curse words, and inappropriate words and phrases.

Just send me an email with your name, a short message for her, and I'll tell her what you said (plus a bunch of curse words and the like). Ok bye.

I know, I know. This was a shitty blog, I had a good one coming, but Dina is asleep (or ignoring me for Mr. Fuckshit piece of shit) and I needed her help. Well I'll write a better one tomorrow, about..... something random or based off some drama I see on Facebook.

Love you guys (except for you Mr. Fuckshit piece of shit), bye!

-Rose <3
Take a good look 'cause it's the last you'll see of me
(Take a good look, take a good look baby)
Memorize this, all you have are memories
(Memorize this, 'cause it's all you get to keep)
No words, no rings, not a damn thing is gonna bring me back to you
I'm so over you

You shoulda loved me right when you had me
(shoulda shoulda but you didn't did ya?)
You shoulda known I'm not gonna sit around
And wait for you to get your act together, shoulda known better
Don't say you wanna, don't say you were gonna
You shoulda loved me right but you didn't, did ya?

Why didn't you say this Lenny? You know I try to support everything you do, but this is one I cannot support. I'm going to let you do what you want, good luck babe.
Story time!!!!!!!! Ok so once upon a time there was a girl named Belinda, Lenny for short. She was dating this guy named Carson. They loved each other very much, and loved being with each other. Then one day while they were talking Lenny said she didn't believe that Justin Bieber was a good singer. Carson was very surprised, and angry (because he loved The Biebs) so he dumped Lenny. Stupid reason huh?

Well Lenny was very sad so she called her best friend Raisa. Raisa, like some any good friend plotted Carson's murder, and such. Raisa helped Lenny get over being sad (cause no guy is worth wasting tears for), and everything was good! Yay!!!!

Then a few weeks later Carson called Lenny. Lenny wasn't completely over Carson cause it had only been a little while since they had broken up. Lenny talked to Carson for a while and hung up. "Maybe we can still be friends! What do you think Raisa?" Raisa said,

"I don't think you can be friends. He broke up with you for a stupid reason. You do what you wanna do, but I just don't think it's a good idea." So Lenny continued to think about it. Then one day she was working on some school work, and couldn't think of the answer to the question. Not thinking it completely through she called Carson. He helped her find the answer and (to cut a long story short), said he wanted her back, and he still 'loved' her.

Lenny didn't give him an answer, and when they hung up she called Raisa. Raisa said some very not nice words about Carson. And Lenny was thinking about going back out with Carson. Raisa told her it was a VERY bad idea, but it was her choice. Lenny thought about it, not a lot I guess cause she decided to go back out with Carson because she loved him, and he 'loved' her.

Lets see how this story plays out.....

Love you guys, I'll keep you post. Oh and a question, do you think Lenny should've gone back out with Carson?

-Rose <3
This whole entire summer, every time I've eaten Chinese food an gotten a fortune cookie, those fucking bitches have predicted doom and sadness. I think those cookies are telling the truth, I'm going to hole up in my room under my covers with a can of silly string, a bat, a helmet, and my laptop. Write blogs for the rest of my life.

Ok anyways I do not think this school year is going to start out with a bang, more like the boom of a bomb exploding and shit hitting the fan. Oh yeah I'll go through it with the same apathetic, pessimistic, and I don't give a shit attitude I have. It makes life so much easier let me tell you.

Ahhh I'm so random today. I'm going to have my mother take me  to the doctor for ADD testing, or counseling. I think counseling would be more beneficial to me. For some reason I want to bake chocolate chip cookies right now, it's almost 11pm here. But I don't have any chocolate chips so I'll either make sugar cookies, or chocolate-less chocolate chip cookies. Hopefully they won't have shitty and foreboding fortunes in them....

Love you guys!

-Random Rose <3????

Sometimes I wonder/worry about my friends. Like when they run around with lamp shades on their heads, and watch the and text me minute by minute updates on their ramblings and musings about the show. *cough* Dina *cough* Sorry something in my throat. And yes my blog will be a little bit more thought provoking. So I'll hop straight to that.

Ok so today's blog is about how things change. One minute somethings seems set in stone, everything is right in the world. Then the next? Everything is completely opposite, and you have no clue where in the fucking hell you are. Ever happened to you?

It's sure as fucking hell happened to me (fucking hell is my favorite saying right now, I will be saying it as much as possible. Bear with me!). So anyways, I hate when that happens. I hate change, change means losing something you care about usually. And since I don't give a fucking shit about most things in this world losing something I care about is really heart breaking. Trust me I care about very few things. Living, nope. Happiness, nope. Dina, yes. Tre, yes, Amanda, yes. Cortne, yes. That's about all I care about, now that I'm thinking about it. I always put my friends first.

I hate losing anything I care about. I think it hurts worse than like, your husband of 60 years divorcing you for some 20 year old leggy blonde bimbo. Not that that's happened to me but you get what I'm saying. It hurts me, I never really get over it. On those nights when I'm at my lowest, crying myself to sleep, or talking myself down from cutting or doing something stupid like that, it all comes up. Every fucking piece of shit that has happened to me in life, trust me, you can ask Dina too, my life is a never ending pile of shit. It really surprises me how I'm still here.

Anyways, sorry for that majorly depressive and suicidal moment. Today just isn't a good day. Anyways is it just me? Am I the only person who gets hurt this much when the future changes, who has flashback to how they imagined their future. Like for instance, ugh I'm not going to bore you with it. I'm just going to go. I'm not good for anything today, or ever. I'm going to text my friend Matty and have him cheer me up, he seems to be one of the only people who can these days.

Love you guys, hope your lives aren't as fucking shitty as mine. Bye.

-Rose (somewhere between <3 and </3)
Dammit, school is starting in ten days. Like our lovely Dina said, there are people i seriously don't care to see ever again, those people know who they are. Back to the drama, the heartache, and utter bullshit that comes with school.

Now I'm pissed. X(. Ugh and I've gotten no papers from school! I don't know my schedule, teacher, fucking nothing. I'm FUCKING OCD I need to map out the best route beforehand! Yes I'm weird, fucking deal with it. Damn I'm saying fuck a lot well,








Sorry my dad pissed me off, he doesn't want me to grow up, so he bitches me out about everything. Makeup, music, style of dress, beliefs, and EVERYTHING!!!!

I'm going to go now. Love you guys, I can't fucking wait till I'm fucking 18, so I can tell my parents to fuck off.

-Rose <3
Yes your two favorite bloggers are back! *Insert happy dance here!* God summer is almost up, its gone by so fast, well except for a couple of random parts that have probably been ranted about on here. Well I had fun in Florida, going to Epcot (a Disney Park) was awesome. SOOOOO many cute foreign guys, and so little time to talk. *Sigh -.-* Anyways, lets get guys off the mind for a moment (yeah right).

I'm glad that summer's almost over actually. I'm tired of sitting around the house and eating (fruit and chips mostly, but still not cool). I miss my friends and I'm ready to put some things in the past, Dina we need to work out a game plan NOW!!! She knows what I'm talking about. Anyways I do love school, not the learning part, but I love the people. That means my friends, and my old Bio teacher, I flipping love her! She's the reason my mind is forever in the gutter, and when it isn't I'm seriously depressed and suicidal. Yeah, I'm making my own level in hell. It's called Rose's World, and all the fun people are there! :D

Oh and the cute neighbor boy was on vacation, yeah I know extreme let down, but trust me, Disney made up for it with French guys, ugh I'm drooling just thinking about it. Oh and there was the Cuban guy with GREEN FUCKING EYES, like my shade of green. God if I was a whore, I would of hit that up! Ok Rose cool your jets, calm it down. You have school crap to work on. Yeah I'm gonna go. Blogs will be up regularly (from me at least, Dina is something i cannot control. Last time I tried she BIT ME! :O) Don't forget to check out our new Facebook and Twitter Pages.

Love you guys, and I hope your summer made as good stories as mine did!

-A very happy and in the gutter Rose <3