Teenaged Shenanigans.
Story time!!!!!!!! Ok so once upon a time there was a girl named Belinda, Lenny for short. She was dating this guy named Carson. They loved each other very much, and loved being with each other. Then one day while they were talking Lenny said she didn't believe that Justin Bieber was a good singer. Carson was very surprised, and angry (because he loved The Biebs) so he dumped Lenny. Stupid reason huh?

Well Lenny was very sad so she called her best friend Raisa. Raisa, like some any good friend plotted Carson's murder, and such. Raisa helped Lenny get over being sad (cause no guy is worth wasting tears for), and everything was good! Yay!!!!

Then a few weeks later Carson called Lenny. Lenny wasn't completely over Carson cause it had only been a little while since they had broken up. Lenny talked to Carson for a while and hung up. "Maybe we can still be friends! What do you think Raisa?" Raisa said,

"I don't think you can be friends. He broke up with you for a stupid reason. You do what you wanna do, but I just don't think it's a good idea." So Lenny continued to think about it. Then one day she was working on some school work, and couldn't think of the answer to the question. Not thinking it completely through she called Carson. He helped her find the answer and (to cut a long story short), said he wanted her back, and he still 'loved' her.

Lenny didn't give him an answer, and when they hung up she called Raisa. Raisa said some very not nice words about Carson. And Lenny was thinking about going back out with Carson. Raisa told her it was a VERY bad idea, but it was her choice. Lenny thought about it, not a lot I guess cause she decided to go back out with Carson because she loved him, and he 'loved' her.

Lets see how this story plays out.....

Love you guys, I'll keep you post. Oh and a question, do you think Lenny should've gone back out with Carson?

-Rose <3

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