Teenaged Shenanigans.
Ok since Dina keeps a FUCKED up sleep schedule she is horrible at daily blogging, (either that or she's too busy talking to her bf Mr. Fuckshit piece of shit, which is his new nickname and I will only refer to him as such). Anyways if you're tired of Dina never updating just send me a message, and I'll do it for you. Except I'll add a bunch of curse words, and inappropriate words and phrases.

Just send me an email with your name, a short message for her, and I'll tell her what you said (plus a bunch of curse words and the like). Ok bye.

I know, I know. This was a shitty blog, I had a good one coming, but Dina is asleep (or ignoring me for Mr. Fuckshit piece of shit) and I needed her help. Well I'll write a better one tomorrow, about..... something random or based off some drama I see on Facebook.

Love you guys (except for you Mr. Fuckshit piece of shit), bye!

-Rose <3

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