Teenaged Shenanigans.
Sometimes I wonder/worry about my friends. Like when they run around with lamp shades on their heads, and watch the and text me minute by minute updates on their ramblings and musings about the show. *cough* Dina *cough* Sorry something in my throat. And yes my blog will be a little bit more thought provoking. So I'll hop straight to that.

Ok so today's blog is about how things change. One minute somethings seems set in stone, everything is right in the world. Then the next? Everything is completely opposite, and you have no clue where in the fucking hell you are. Ever happened to you?

It's sure as fucking hell happened to me (fucking hell is my favorite saying right now, I will be saying it as much as possible. Bear with me!). So anyways, I hate when that happens. I hate change, change means losing something you care about usually. And since I don't give a fucking shit about most things in this world losing something I care about is really heart breaking. Trust me I care about very few things. Living, nope. Happiness, nope. Dina, yes. Tre, yes, Amanda, yes. Cortne, yes. That's about all I care about, now that I'm thinking about it. I always put my friends first.

I hate losing anything I care about. I think it hurts worse than like, your husband of 60 years divorcing you for some 20 year old leggy blonde bimbo. Not that that's happened to me but you get what I'm saying. It hurts me, I never really get over it. On those nights when I'm at my lowest, crying myself to sleep, or talking myself down from cutting or doing something stupid like that, it all comes up. Every fucking piece of shit that has happened to me in life, trust me, you can ask Dina too, my life is a never ending pile of shit. It really surprises me how I'm still here.

Anyways, sorry for that majorly depressive and suicidal moment. Today just isn't a good day. Anyways is it just me? Am I the only person who gets hurt this much when the future changes, who has flashback to how they imagined their future. Like for instance, ugh I'm not going to bore you with it. I'm just going to go. I'm not good for anything today, or ever. I'm going to text my friend Matty and have him cheer me up, he seems to be one of the only people who can these days.

Love you guys, hope your lives aren't as fucking shitty as mine. Bye.

-Rose (somewhere between <3 and </3)

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