Teenaged Shenanigans.
Yes your two favorite bloggers are back! *Insert happy dance here!* God summer is almost up, its gone by so fast, well except for a couple of random parts that have probably been ranted about on here. Well I had fun in Florida, going to Epcot (a Disney Park) was awesome. SOOOOO many cute foreign guys, and so little time to talk. *Sigh -.-* Anyways, lets get guys off the mind for a moment (yeah right).

I'm glad that summer's almost over actually. I'm tired of sitting around the house and eating (fruit and chips mostly, but still not cool). I miss my friends and I'm ready to put some things in the past, Dina we need to work out a game plan NOW!!! She knows what I'm talking about. Anyways I do love school, not the learning part, but I love the people. That means my friends, and my old Bio teacher, I flipping love her! She's the reason my mind is forever in the gutter, and when it isn't I'm seriously depressed and suicidal. Yeah, I'm making my own level in hell. It's called Rose's World, and all the fun people are there! :D

Oh and the cute neighbor boy was on vacation, yeah I know extreme let down, but trust me, Disney made up for it with French guys, ugh I'm drooling just thinking about it. Oh and there was the Cuban guy with GREEN FUCKING EYES, like my shade of green. God if I was a whore, I would of hit that up! Ok Rose cool your jets, calm it down. You have school crap to work on. Yeah I'm gonna go. Blogs will be up regularly (from me at least, Dina is something i cannot control. Last time I tried she BIT ME! :O) Don't forget to check out our new Facebook and Twitter Pages.

Love you guys, and I hope your summer made as good stories as mine did!

-A very happy and in the gutter Rose <3

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