Teenaged Shenanigans.
Dammit, school is starting in ten days. Like our lovely Dina said, there are people i seriously don't care to see ever again, those people know who they are. Back to the drama, the heartache, and utter bullshit that comes with school.

Now I'm pissed. X(. Ugh and I've gotten no papers from school! I don't know my schedule, teacher, fucking nothing. I'm FUCKING OCD I need to map out the best route beforehand! Yes I'm weird, fucking deal with it. Damn I'm saying fuck a lot well,








Sorry my dad pissed me off, he doesn't want me to grow up, so he bitches me out about everything. Makeup, music, style of dress, beliefs, and EVERYTHING!!!!

I'm going to go now. Love you guys, I can't fucking wait till I'm fucking 18, so I can tell my parents to fuck off.

-Rose <3

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