Teenaged Shenanigans.
Yes my boredness won out yesterday. I was ready to bang my head against the wall, or do something else completely usless, but then I decided to do something useful. I made a twitter for this blog! And I'll try to make the Facebook today, no promises I've got packing and shaving to do (not as much as Dina did for trip to the beach, but ok, this might go to an awkward place so ANYWAYS....). I just wanted to let you guys know about it.

Love you guys! Check out our new ish!

-Rose <3

Twitter: DinaandRose
Facebook: Dina & Rose
Email: [email protected]

I got really bored so I decided to make a twitter for the blog. Go check us out at DinaandRose. I will also be making a Facebook page very soon. Add us, follow us, favorite us. You can also find me online by searching Evanishing rose.

Love you guys!

-Rose <3
I have a ton of nicknames, there's Rose, Yoshi, Aston, Asty, sis, Loca, Dog Ears, Fluffy, M&M, Twin, Rosy, Fashioniecsta, Sir Dookie, Darling, Bebe, Pooper, Munchkin, Shorty, etc. Some of those I love being called, and some i absolutely hate. My three most recent nicknames have some pretty interesting origins,  Rose was of my own creation, a play off my email, no Rose isn't my real name, but whenever my stepdad adopts me it will be my middle name; Yoshi is from a character I RPGed with Dina, I was Yoshi (her real name was Lola), and Dina was her boyfriend Dalton (It was so awkward and funny writing their flirty stuff. I definitely know I'm not lesbian now); Aston or Asty is from an RPG with Alex (no Dina not my cousin, and I'm getting you his number from his momma! You owe me big time, oh and in case i forgot to tell you he's half Greek, yes for reals. Drooling over him and the pool guy can begin :) hehe). Anyways.....

I realized today I make up nicknames in my head for people, I never call someone by their name in my head, but I never call them that in real life. Is that weird? No responses? Guess it's normal. I call my mom Walgreens cause she works there, Dina I call Coke can because of her picture at the top of her blog, my ex Brandon Facebook because of the ish he said about me on Facebook, Tre scizzor cause he loves his scizzors!, and Cortne I call Williams because we listen to Katt Williams and can quote most of his acts. And that's just a few of them!

This was just a random blog, Dina is still out of town as far as I know cause I haven't texted her today I think but my one third white, one third black, one third latina butt is LAZY! I gotta work on that, I'm going to Florida on Wednesday, so no blog then unless we get to my aunt's dad's house early. But I will try to blog because I need somewhere to blab if I meet a cute guy like Dina did. Shouldn't be too hard considering the next door neighbor is about my age and plays basketball shirtless with his friends. I don't care how hot it is outside I'm keeping the dogs outside in the yard so I can do some sightseeing (yeah if the neighbor boy has a six pack... among other things ;). Ok Rose head out of the gutter, your ass already got bitched out for that today).

Anyways i love you guys, but I have to finish making a card for my cousin Alex's mom for fixing my brother when he cut his head. Yes I'm hand making it, if anyone says I'm not nice, they are WRONG in this instance. So I'm gonna go, LOVE YOU!!!!

-A very happy (What, Rose not in a bitchy, cynical mood? WHO ARE YOU!?!?!?!?!?!) Rose <3
I finally went back and read all of Dina's blogs from while I was gone and FYI I'm not obssesed with the left testicale, what I'm obsessed with is why other people are obsessed with it. I don't get why we forget all about the right testicale, it produces sperm too, you might of even been made there.

I'm actually obsessed with any body part that a sexual joke can be made out of. That's just my sense of humor. Hell even at church camp I was making sexual jokes! Name it I will make a joke/perverted comment out of it, that's just the way it is. So maybe I am obsessed with the left testicale but I obsess over every other body part so whatever.

Oh and Dom was a boytoy and that's all he was good for *cough*he's a douche btw*cough*. Sorry something in my throat, hehe I'm such a dirty minded person. But the Dom situation isn't mine to talk about but it will end up as a WHAT YOU SHOULD NOT DO IN A RELATIONSHIP blog or a poem or a story. I did the same to my exs, and I haven't even covered one sixteenth of all the problems and what not to dos in those, so I'll be blogging for a while (YAY!). Here's the blogger's miranda, I made this up a while ago.

"You have the right to remain silent. If you do say anything, what you say can be used against you in my blog. You have the right to consult with me and be present during the writing process. If you cannot afford to be present,  we can webchat if you so desire. If you choose to talk to me, you have the right to stop the blogging process at any time."

Yeah there's the bloggers Miranda Rights ^^. I think I'll explain the blogger's Miranda more later, I'm going to go on omegle and try to find a not horny person. Mixing me with that is a bad combo trust me, I know. I lost a bet and had to talk to a horny person, it made me even worse, if that is possible. ok I'm going to go.


-Rose <3
Yes Rose is head over heels in love... with her new shoes. Straight black knee hi converse. I've been wearing them since I got them. I'm laying in my bed right now wearing them, I look like a complete mess. My hair isn't wrapped, I have my make up on still (I love black eyeshadow and eyeliner!), I'm wearing a cami, and pink shorts. Needless to say I look a mess.

Anyways I'm also in love with something else, well, more like someones. I'm falling for Hollywood Undead yet again. I love this band, off their first album I liked all the songs except for 1 song and off their second one only 2. Which is pretty good considering I'm a music snob. I hate to say it but I'm a bigger music snob than I am coffee snob (and I can only stand stuff from Starbucks). If a band changes their sound even a little, it takes a while for it to grow on me or I'll hate it. Thank god I boot leg all my music or I'd waste sssssooooo much money.

Sorry I'm just writing out of boredom, it's 12 at night and I can't sleep. *Sigh* I'll think of something actually interesting to write about tomorrow, maybe the latest drama in my circle of friends (a very small one trust me), maybe something I or someone did wrong in a relationship, or maybe a friend or something, IDK!

Love you guys sleep well!

Rose <3
I'm so fucking happy to be home, holy shiz balls you have no clue. Dina just went to the beach and I'm leaving for Florida on Wednesday. But I'll have wifi in FLorida so you WILL have blog updates I promise. 

I hate traveling but for once I can say I'm GLAD! Debate camp is on the 11th and I'm out of town so I can't go. Thank god cause I don't feel like dealing with more bullshit from guys, and I seriously don't need it from an ex (I got enough from new ones). All this will be explained later in this blog.

Well vacation in Virginia was fun, camp was fun. I've been going there since I was a fetus (JK first grade) but that place is like a second home. Made a lot of really good friends that I can't wait to be CITs (counselors in training) with in two years. We actually keep in touch. I made friends with Emma, Adam, Trayton, Cody (aka my big brother), and Kali (pronouce Caleigh). 

Next Florida (and no debate camp, Jesus may actually be REAL!) Um well I gotta eat dinner, and then I will post some funny stories of stuff that happened at camp.

Love you guys!

-Rose <3