Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Don't be fooled by that song name, it's actually quite mean. "When I see you cry it makes me smile, makes me smiiiile." or idk, that's what I'm hearing from it.
  Anyway, as you may or may not have noticed....


So...yeah. Oh..I should probably make this smaller...

we go.

Alright! So school wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! It turned out pretty decent. I have maybe two or three people I can talk to in each class so that's cool beans. Still not looking foward to group projects though.
  I hope you guys are enjoying school as much as you can :) if you're in elementary school...go eat a cookie right now and get off the internet. If you're in middle school, go eat a cookie and read educational wikipedia entries. If you're in high school........go eat a cookie and do your homework. You know you have loads -____- well I do at least.

  I really have nothing to talk about, unlike my Chemistry teacher...jesus that man can go on ages about everything. Seriously. He went from graph paper, to transvestite prostitutes in a drugstore. I....I don't even want to know...
But yeah! Just in case any of you were worried sick about my health, I'm fine. :D even though you could have sprung to send me some chocolates....>.>

Oh Little Wayne.

Now a picture of Crookshanks in stuck in my head...
If you don't know who that is you have disappointed me so greatly.




I'm in french, so...

Au revoir!

--Claire (my french name. yes it's french, don't hate)
Appropriate title. Very appropriate. Thank you Mumford and Sons.

Okay, so I started writing a REALLY good blog about change, but my inspiration just drained out of me. No idea why, but expect a blog about that eventually (few months).

Yes, great topic.
No seriously, I have no classes with my friends -_______- No Rose, Amanda, Riane, etc. -_____- DAMN YOU HIGH SCHOOL FOR STICKING ME IN ALL CLASSES WITH THE ANNOYING ASS POPULAR PEOPLE. Damn you.
They're not that bad I guess, but I don't talk to them at all and when it's time to pick partners, guess who's gonna be stuck in the back with some kid named Febagdy or something? Me. Idk, I just wanted to chill with friends this year -___- especially since we have so much work and stuff -_____-
This year's gonna suck...


No it's not.
Okay. So, I'll try to enjoy this year...
Um, first I need to finish my summer assignments though...

I hope school goes good for you guys! :)

p.s: suck blog was suck.
p.p.s: have a music video.

p.p.p.s: I hate when the teacher does "get to know each other!!" activities on the first day. No...no, I don't want to know anything about these people. I know enough. No...
I usually end up saying, "I'm Dina, I like music, my friends, nutella, and Harry Potter."
I swear if she makes us write a poem or something and share it...
I will shoot her in the foot....
So I'm randomly writing on Dina's ish. It's not working, still depressed. Bye. :(

-Rose </3
 Well, first of all, I DID NOT BITE YOU ROSE. You little lying....short person -_-
I just threatened to :)

Guys, guess what I did?
"Set a house on fire?" No! What's wrong with you!?
"Eat a bunny??" You have issues!!
"Rob a diamond store?" Oh my god, you guys are crazy.....I wouldn't do that alone.
"Find Perry the Platypus and shoot him in the face?" .........you guys....need therapy.


My dad brought home a bunch of lamps and I took the shade part off and I ran around the house with it on! I even took pictures! Here, have one!
Amazingly awesome, I know.
Anyway, after that I started hopping around the house and stopped randomly to laugh really loudly. I managed to convince my parents that I'm crazy...so...productive day!
I blame all the Starbucks. Their deliciousness coffee set me over the edge.

I think I was just avoiding doing my work though >.>
Yeah, probably.

Heh. My thumbs look weird in that picture.

This blog has absolutely no purpose. I'm so sorry readers :') I'm sure Rose will have a more thought provoking blog up later.
I still love you guys though! I won't disappoint tomorrow! .....*cough*maybe*cough*

 School in 10 days.

Oh goody, just what I needed. People I don't really enjoy being around.
Fun times lay in front of me.

If you're from my school and you're reading this, I probably like you...so...I was talking about other people :)
Honestly! Even though it doesn't sound like that...oh well.

(btw, it's 6:40 am and I'm still up *sigh*)
 That is all.

  Oh, by the way, most of the title's of my past blogs are the title's (or sometimes lyrics, like this one) of the song that I was listening to at that time. Just in case you were thinking deep into the night about what significance the title had with the blog itself. :)
  Alright! So! I think my best guy friend ever just asked me out on a date! Awkward! We shall call him...Febgy. Great name, I know. Okay, so Febgy has been my friend since 6th grade. We met at the bus stop, yes he lives in my neighborhood...four doors down to be exact, and he annoyed me at first, but you get use to him. He's pretty cool but he can be a huuuuuge douche sometimes. I never tolerate it obviously, being the person I am. I always tell him off and he stops being douchy. We have a looong history, full of fights, making up, ice cream, corn dogs, and pop rocks. Ohh the pop rocks....good times. Last year, he started flirting like no other mofo. Oh, and he threw in wayy too many sexual jokes.
Way. Too. Many.
  I took it all lightly and joked back harshly, hopefully throwing him off. No, that wasn't mean. He's my best friend, he should know that I was kidding and I was just trying to say "Shut up Febgy"
Anyway, he texted me today asking me if I wanted to chill with him at the gas station** and I said nahh I can't right now and he responded with, AND I QUOTE, "aww, i was really hoping that we could get our date on lol". I said that we could hang tomorrow, but it would NOT be a date. Geez. This guy never stops.
  Yeah, not the most dramatic thing ever, but it's what's going on in my life. Thought you guys would be ecstatic to hear about it.

  ALSO, nutella on toast is delicious.

**the gas station is the closest place that we can walk to from our houses. It's only like a 10 or 15 minute walk. My mom works there so I know like everyone there and I get the hookups ;D
But yeah, we hang out there when we have finals or mid-terms, or whenever we're just hungry. It's the spot to be dude. Check out your local gas station, you may discover Narnia in the back or find your soulmate, you never know!

  I'M BACK!! Not like you missed me, but whatever! Deal with my presence!! :D
Okay many things to say. More detail to come. (Rose you perv)
1) Told you young love isn't real.
2) My mood changes quickly
3) Beach guys are the best
4) My mother is going to murder me
5) Music is the best....as is the internet.
6) Wuthering Heights.
More details....NOW.
1) Young love? Piss off.
2) I went from extremely depressed, to sad, to nothing, to sad, to depressed, to nothing, to mad, to ready-to-chop-off-nuts rage, to sad, to acceptence, to sad, to mad, to happy. All of that in a matter of....10 hours. Yeah, I'm crazy.
3) Oh ho ho. So true. Yesterday at the beach it was windy beyond belief so A LOT of guys were...parasurfing(?) I don't know what it's called, but it looked amazingly fun. Also, most of them were my age and were very....very attractive. This one guy, Marty, who was pumping his kite thingy sort of close to me kept staring at me, smiling and whatnot and I decided "Eh, what the hell?" so I went up and talked to him. He was adorable! Such a great dude. Too bad I don't live in Charleston ;-;  and he let me hold on to him while he jumped into the air with the kite thing! I swear I thought I was going to die, and I obviously did. This is my ghost typing. Pretty talented ghost I have.
4) I used the internet on my phone. And I'm pretty sure I used too many minutes or whatever it's going by and it's going to cost extra on the bill when it comes. DAMN YOU FACEBOOK.
5) Music, I love you. Internet, never leave my side.
6) Bought it for 4 bucks. It's amazing.

Alrighty. I'm tired, tan, and hungry. Wait...I'm tan!! I CAN'T BE CALLED PALE ANYMORE!! YES!!! Suck on that douche's at school. Muahah. Gah. Post beach depression.

Oh...I mean..







  "Everything was being held together by a stitch, a poorly sewn stitch done in haste. It was all bound to fall apart in a matter of seconds, optimistically even minutes, but the hope that it would stay put was still there. The foolish hope that always arises whenever everything would be united, the foolish desire and longing for a lasting happiness. Conveniently, the mocking stitch would unravel and let things fall apart when the feeling of hope was at a sky high. Always coming undone when you feel that maybe, for once, it would keep things together longer than expected.
  Never let the poorly done stitch fool you though, it will never keep things together long enough for you to be truely happy. It will always fall apart and you need to learn to stop getting your hopes up so high. Get use to disappointment, there’ll be more of it in life than you can imagine. Don’t cry over the piece of string on the floor that once held together your happiness, instead, lift up your chin and go somewhere or do something that won’t require you to be dependent on a silly string for happiness."

I don't know. I'm tired of pretending to be happy. I need to break down every once in a while. If you can't deal with that, then I'm sorry, but you can't be in my life. I'm going to cry sometimes, no matter how much I don't want to, and you're going to have to be there to make sure I don't do something stupid to myself. It'll only last 2-4 days, don't worry. I'll be back with an amazing fake smile and laugh before you know it. Cracking jokes and making sure that you don't feel like shit while I'm slowly dying on the inside. But hey, at least you're fine, right?
