Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Oh, by the way, most of the title's of my past blogs are the title's (or sometimes lyrics, like this one) of the song that I was listening to at that time. Just in case you were thinking deep into the night about what significance the title had with the blog itself. :)
  Alright! So! I think my best guy friend ever just asked me out on a date! Awkward! We shall call him...Febgy. Great name, I know. Okay, so Febgy has been my friend since 6th grade. We met at the bus stop, yes he lives in my neighborhood...four doors down to be exact, and he annoyed me at first, but you get use to him. He's pretty cool but he can be a huuuuuge douche sometimes. I never tolerate it obviously, being the person I am. I always tell him off and he stops being douchy. We have a looong history, full of fights, making up, ice cream, corn dogs, and pop rocks. Ohh the pop rocks....good times. Last year, he started flirting like no other mofo. Oh, and he threw in wayy too many sexual jokes.
Way. Too. Many.
  I took it all lightly and joked back harshly, hopefully throwing him off. No, that wasn't mean. He's my best friend, he should know that I was kidding and I was just trying to say "Shut up Febgy"
Anyway, he texted me today asking me if I wanted to chill with him at the gas station** and I said nahh I can't right now and he responded with, AND I QUOTE, "aww, i was really hoping that we could get our date on lol". I said that we could hang tomorrow, but it would NOT be a date. Geez. This guy never stops.
  Yeah, not the most dramatic thing ever, but it's what's going on in my life. Thought you guys would be ecstatic to hear about it.

  ALSO, nutella on toast is delicious.

**the gas station is the closest place that we can walk to from our houses. It's only like a 10 or 15 minute walk. My mom works there so I know like everyone there and I get the hookups ;D
But yeah, we hang out there when we have finals or mid-terms, or whenever we're just hungry. It's the spot to be dude. Check out your local gas station, you may discover Narnia in the back or find your soulmate, you never know!


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