Teenaged Shenanigans.
  I'M BACK!! Not like you missed me, but whatever! Deal with my presence!! :D
Okay many things to say. More detail to come. (Rose you perv)
1) Told you young love isn't real.
2) My mood changes quickly
3) Beach guys are the best
4) My mother is going to murder me
5) Music is the best....as is the internet.
6) Wuthering Heights.
More details....NOW.
1) Young love? Piss off.
2) I went from extremely depressed, to sad, to nothing, to sad, to depressed, to nothing, to mad, to ready-to-chop-off-nuts rage, to sad, to acceptence, to sad, to mad, to happy. All of that in a matter of....10 hours. Yeah, I'm crazy.
3) Oh ho ho. So true. Yesterday at the beach it was windy beyond belief so A LOT of guys were...parasurfing(?) I don't know what it's called, but it looked amazingly fun. Also, most of them were my age and were very....very attractive. This one guy, Marty, who was pumping his kite thingy sort of close to me kept staring at me, smiling and whatnot and I decided "Eh, what the hell?" so I went up and talked to him. He was adorable! Such a great dude. Too bad I don't live in Charleston ;-;  and he let me hold on to him while he jumped into the air with the kite thing! I swear I thought I was going to die, and I obviously did. This is my ghost typing. Pretty talented ghost I have.
4) I used the internet on my phone. And I'm pretty sure I used too many minutes or whatever it's going by and it's going to cost extra on the bill when it comes. DAMN YOU FACEBOOK.
5) Music, I love you. Internet, never leave my side.
6) Bought it for 4 bucks. It's amazing.

Alrighty. I'm tired, tan, and hungry. Wait...I'm tan!! I CAN'T BE CALLED PALE ANYMORE!! YES!!! Suck on that douche's at school. Muahah. Gah. Post beach depression.

Oh...I mean..
8/20/2011 10:44:03 am

Diana is my grandma's name. Just an FYI.


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