Teenaged Shenanigans.
Appropriate title. Very appropriate. Thank you Mumford and Sons.

Okay, so I started writing a REALLY good blog about change, but my inspiration just drained out of me. No idea why, but expect a blog about that eventually (few months).

Yes, great topic.
No seriously, I have no classes with my friends -_______- No Rose, Amanda, Riane, etc. -_____- DAMN YOU HIGH SCHOOL FOR STICKING ME IN ALL CLASSES WITH THE ANNOYING ASS POPULAR PEOPLE. Damn you.
They're not that bad I guess, but I don't talk to them at all and when it's time to pick partners, guess who's gonna be stuck in the back with some kid named Febagdy or something? Me. Idk, I just wanted to chill with friends this year -___- especially since we have so much work and stuff -_____-
This year's gonna suck...


No it's not.
Okay. So, I'll try to enjoy this year...
Um, first I need to finish my summer assignments though...

I hope school goes good for you guys! :)

p.s: suck blog was suck.
p.p.s: have a music video.

p.p.p.s: I hate when the teacher does "get to know each other!!" activities on the first day. No...no, I don't want to know anything about these people. I know enough. No...
I usually end up saying, "I'm Dina, I like music, my friends, nutella, and Harry Potter."
I swear if she makes us write a poem or something and share it...
I will shoot her in the foot....

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