Teenaged Shenanigans.
 Well, first of all, I DID NOT BITE YOU ROSE. You little lying....short person -_-
I just threatened to :)

Guys, guess what I did?
"Set a house on fire?" No! What's wrong with you!?
"Eat a bunny??" You have issues!!
"Rob a diamond store?" Oh my god, you guys are crazy.....I wouldn't do that alone.
"Find Perry the Platypus and shoot him in the face?" .........you guys....need therapy.


My dad brought home a bunch of lamps and I took the shade part off and I ran around the house with it on! I even took pictures! Here, have one!
Amazingly awesome, I know.
Anyway, after that I started hopping around the house and stopped randomly to laugh really loudly. I managed to convince my parents that I'm crazy...so...productive day!
I blame all the Starbucks. Their deliciousness coffee set me over the edge.

I think I was just avoiding doing my work though >.>
Yeah, probably.

Heh. My thumbs look weird in that picture.

This blog has absolutely no purpose. I'm so sorry readers :') I'm sure Rose will have a more thought provoking blog up later.
I still love you guys though! I won't disappoint tomorrow! .....*cough*maybe*cough*

8/19/2011 10:00:32 am

I'm not short, I'm 5 flipping 5!!!!!!


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