Teenaged Shenanigans.
  First, sorry for the crap piece of thing which I call a blog entry that I posted yesterday.
  Second, moving on to today's blog! Which will hopefully be better.

  "Everything is just a side effect of dying." The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

   Isn't that quite an interesting way to look at it? Coughing isn't a side effect of the flu, it's a side effect of dying. The flu isn't a side effect of some interal organ failing, it's a side effect of dying. It's certainly a morose point of view, but it makes you think, doesn't it?
  All that you're doing now will be pointless, absolutely pointless, in a couple hundred years. Sure, if you're lucky you might make an impact on people that might last for a handful of years or so, but in the end, will it really matter? Will any of it matter?
  We're all going to die. How, is still a mystery. Maybe the sun will burn up, maybe global warming will kill us, maybe there'll be a giant locus infestation, or maybe we'll get hit by a gigantic astroid. Who knows, but the point is, we're all just going to fall in oblivion. However we do end, I can guarentee you, there will probably be scarce to none evidence of our existance left behind. Nothing to show that there was a cure for cancer (I'm thinking way into the future here people, even though there is a cure for cancer currently...google it.) nothing to show that you graduated from Harvard with a PhD in Physics, or whatever. Everything that you value, and everything little (and big) thing that you find so important will vanish. Just like that. 
  We are humans, and no matter how much we may try to delude ourselves into thinking it, we are not immortal. Our time will come, and our whole species will end. Maybe, after us another species will start to form, and hopefully they don't make the same fucked up decisions that we've made on this Earth.

  Told you this was a glum topic to think about. 

  But back to the previous question, will what you're doing now matter since we're going to end anyway, and there'll be no record of it? 
  I believe the answer is yes. 
  Just because there will be no record of us after we die doesn't mean that what you're doing now (if you're doing something helpful) isn't for nothing. You're helping people! Of course it matters if you make an impact on everyone around you! Don't let the fact that nobody will remember you or your good deeds in a couple hundred, or thousands, of years bring you down! Just keep up what you're doing and make sure it makes you happy. Life is honestly too short for you too worry too much about the little things that don't matter in the end anyway.
  Things, for example, like sweating over those extra ten pounds that you may have gained over vacation, or maybe how you didn't go for it with that one guy/girl. 
   It's a little bit weird, but let this cynical thought help calm you, It won't matter in the end, you'll be dead, and none of it will matter.
I don't want that to completely devoid you of determination, but instead, I want you guys to look at it as a good life quote. I want it to inspire you to do everything, and anything, you've ever wanted to do. I want it to help you get past your problems in life. I want it to calm you whenever you feel really down about something that has just happened. 
  Mostly, I just want you guys to take this negative thing and turn it into a postive thing.
Because everyone deserves to die happy. Everyone, that is, except maybe murderers. Them, I have little sympathy for.

--Dina. :)
  It's the middle of summer, and yet I'm in a Christmas mood. Which is weird because my family doesn't even really celebrate Christmas. I've just been walking around the house all day singing Christmas carols! It's crazy, my mom even yelled at me to shutup. My dad, on the other hand, just started singing along, hahah :D
  I feel like putting on my santa hat, my thickest winter gear, and going to some place with snow. I want to make snow angels, snowboard, make snowmen, have snowball fights, and drink hot cocoa! Doesn't that sound amazing right now??
  Maybe it's just because I can't stand the heat, it makes me all itchy and want to punch something. That's just if it's really hot though. I don't mind if it's a nice warm day, and there's a slight cool breeze drifting through, that's perfectly fine!
  Oh goody, it just started raining! I love the rain. I would go out and run in it if my parents weren't home. They usually end up stopping me from going outside.
  Damn, it is pouring! I'm going to try and sneak out to run. Bye bye.

--Dina Claus.
  You guys, life would be so much easier if we could all fly.
  Just think about it! No need for cars, or public transportation, and just imagine the positive impact that that would have on the Earth! We could go where ever we wanted, whenever we wanted. We could visit loved ones, friends that moved away, and just have amazing vacations. Sure, your luggage would have to be a little bit light, but hey, you can fly. So don't complain.
  Sorry for that, but I've been obsessing over super powers this week. Seriously, I even thought about driving to a nuclear plant and maybe chugging down a couple glasses of waste. Even though that would most likely kill me...but there's still a .1% chance that I would be gifted with amazing powers! Totally worth the risk, right? :D
....no? Hm...I'll listen this one time. But that won't stop me from wearing a red cape everywhere I go!!
  I'm such a child.
  I'm going to go now before you guys start thinking even less of me.

--Super Dina.

(my other obsession this week has been He is We. Especially that song below. LOVEEE.)

  I wish they would all just go to a seperate corner of the universe and STAY THERE.
  The fuzzy legs, the twitching antennas, the crawling, the big eyes, the wings....oh god, the wings. I hate the wings. You're approaching a bug, thinking you're about to smart it, and BAM the little sucker flies either away, or toward you. Whenever it starts flying in my direction, I don't know about you, but I run into another room and lock myself up in there for an hour or two.
  I can't even write this blog without shuddering every five seconds.
  I can never kill bugs though. I usually call for my father to come and swat them into the next world. The only bugs I can kill is mosquitos and ants. Nothing else. Even fireflies freak me out. They're pretty and all, but if they come near me I run away like a little girl. I deluded myself into thinking they're distant cousins to the bees when I was younger, that's probably why I can't stand them now...
  You may ask why I'm writing a disgusting blog about bugs *shudders* and it's just because Rose was pressuring me to write one and as I was about to, I felt a disturbance in the force.
  That's right. A roly poly was crawling on my floor.
  I was so brave you guys, you should be proud of me. I got an index card and I sent it rolling under the door crack!! :D 
  Anyways, this should get Rose off my back for now. Bye bye.

--Wimpy Dina.
  A list of the things that I use to want to be in...a somewhat chronological order.
  • Petrologist--1st through 3rd grade
  • Spy--all my frikkin' life
  • Neurologist--3rd grade
  • Veterinarian--4th through 9th grade
  • Fashion Designer--5th grade
  • Author--7th grade and still going
  • Book Editor--8th grade and still happenin'
  • Psychologist--9th grade and still strong
  Now, seeing all of those, I think it's pretty obvious that my calling in life is to be a spy! I would love to run around and kick some bad guy butt, I mean seriously, who wouldn't? All those cool action spy movies just put me in the mood to dress in all black and go out on the street in the middle of the night and chase bad guys! But seeing as if I ever met a bad guy I would probably just run the opposite way, I would probably end up chasing bunnies in the middle of the night... >.>
  I want to save the world! I want to have some type of super power! Or at least, amazing ninja skills. I want to fight crime and lead a double life!
  *sigh* excuse me while I go daydream some more of my never going to happen fantasy.

--007 Dina.

  Rose's last blog lit a spark up in my brain about the subject of...love. Teenage Love, to be specific. Rose, this isn't anything personal, I'm just saying what I think, so don't feel all blah after reading this. You already know how I feel about "love".
  Right, so, young love. Personally, I don't think it exists.
   "Whoaaa, you don't think love exists? You're such a sick person!!"
  Noo, I never said love doesn't exist. I said young love, I just don't believe in it. How many times have I seen my friends get in relationships then one week later they SWEAR they're in love? Too many damn times. You DON'T love each other. You guys are like 14, maybe 15, years old, you have no idea what love is. You may think you do, but until you're older, and until you've had more experiences, you'll never know the true meaning of "love".
  Now, I'm not saying that those couples didn't like each other. Of course they liked each other, but what they thought was "love" was just a strong infatuation. One that goes away after you get bored of the other person. I can get bored of a person easily, that's probably why I don't stay in relationships for long, so I'll give some couples some credit. If they can stand to be with that other person for a year +, then that couple MIGHT be in love. Who would stay with the same person for that long if it wasn't for love?
  Those people that stay in a relationship for a couple months, they have a strong relationship, but still one that could break at any second. They have very strong feelings for each other and they're the ones that are starting to see the light to this "love" thing.
  Those that stay in relationships for a week or two and claim to be in love. Just...piss off. I don't even feel like wasting my breath telling those people how completely stupid they are. Don't tell the other person you love them just because you think your relationship might last longer because of it. Hell, it might be shorter because you said it. And don't say it because you THINK you're in love either. If you think or have to question that you're in love, you're not.
  When a person utters the words "I love you" it should be a sweet, amazing moment. They shouldn't say it too early when they don't actually mean it. They should say it later on, once the relationship has grown to point where one person knows for certain that they are in love with the other person. Because when they say it for the first time, they should mean it, and they should know they mean it. They should not say it just because. It loses its meaning after a while also, just like certain phrases. Like when people ask, "Are you okay?" you know that 9 out of 10 times, the person doesn't care. They're just asking to be polite. Or when people say "I'm sorry" they're just saying it to hopefully stop you from being mad.
  "I love you" is a phrase that should not be abused. It's something you need to truly feel, or else it just loses it's meaning like every other thing is in this world.
  Don't take advantage of love.
  Slow things down, enjoy your relationship, have fun.
  Don't rush love.

--Ranting Dina.
(nevermind the fact that I'm a slight hopeless romantic and I'm a sucker for a Sarah Desson book >.>)
  Have you guys ever been so bored that the only thing you do is literally stare at the walls? No? Is it just me? Well, this is awkward...
  I have loads of summer assignments that I should be doing, books that I could definitely be reading, people that I could be talking to, tv that could be stared at, but no. I'm being so lazy that all I'm doing is staring at the wall/window and thinking. I don't even know how I mustered up the energy to type this blog. 
  Now I'm hungry. Wonderful.
  My stomach is growling at me like a wild boar who's chasing its prey after weeks of starvation. It's growling so loud that I think I might be the cause of the next huge earthquake. Am I getting across how hungry I am? Too bad there's nothing in this house to eat. That's excluding the bread crumbs on the floor, the moldy cheese in the corner of the fridge, and the bruised beyond belief apples.
  I could walk to the gas station, but the sad part about being a teenager with no job, or allowance, is that you have no money. I could still walk there, with the hopes that I don't pass out on the way, and steal a candy bar! Would you guys think less of me if I did that? I could become the Candy Thief. Causing terror and mayhem to every corner store possible!!! Managers and little children across the world would be scared to even mention my name!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH >:D 
  Ahem...*cough*, but of course, I would never steal.  Even if it brings all that glory.
*noms on arms*

--Hungry Dina.
Now, this is quite a sticky subject and I don't mean to offend anybody, but honestly if you do get offended then you are just silly. If you believe strongly enough in your religion then anything that anyone says shouldn't prick you in the slightest.
  So, I was watching True Life, and there were two parents of two different religions and they were fighting because they were expecting a child and didn't know what religion to raise it up on. Many of the fights got really heated and sometimes one of them almost lost control. The whole time I was watching it I wanted to just slap them both, honestly.
  Why should you fight on what religion you want your child to be? Isn't religion a choice? Shouldn't you leave that choice to, I don't know, the child? It is going to be his/her life anyway.
  In my opinion, they should've left religion alone for the first couple years of the child's life so (s)he could live it like a real little kid and just have fun! Then, when the child is older, and can comprehend more, they should've introduced all types of religion in the kid's life, to see which one suits him/her better. The kid will pick whatever religion fits him/her, and the parents will just have to deal with it.

            Dina. (for the record, I'm Agnostic)