Teenaged Shenanigans.
Now, this is quite a sticky subject and I don't mean to offend anybody, but honestly if you do get offended then you are just silly. If you believe strongly enough in your religion then anything that anyone says shouldn't prick you in the slightest.
  So, I was watching True Life, and there were two parents of two different religions and they were fighting because they were expecting a child and didn't know what religion to raise it up on. Many of the fights got really heated and sometimes one of them almost lost control. The whole time I was watching it I wanted to just slap them both, honestly.
  Why should you fight on what religion you want your child to be? Isn't religion a choice? Shouldn't you leave that choice to, I don't know, the child? It is going to be his/her life anyway.
  In my opinion, they should've left religion alone for the first couple years of the child's life so (s)he could live it like a real little kid and just have fun! Then, when the child is older, and can comprehend more, they should've introduced all types of religion in the kid's life, to see which one suits him/her better. The kid will pick whatever religion fits him/her, and the parents will just have to deal with it.

            Dina. (for the record, I'm Agnostic)
6/21/2011 10:33:35 am

Amen Dina. Link this page to Facebook!

Manda <3
6/21/2011 01:19:17 pm

Dina....so freakin' true!


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