Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Rose's last blog lit a spark up in my brain about the subject of...love. Teenage Love, to be specific. Rose, this isn't anything personal, I'm just saying what I think, so don't feel all blah after reading this. You already know how I feel about "love".
  Right, so, young love. Personally, I don't think it exists.
   "Whoaaa, you don't think love exists? You're such a sick person!!"
  Noo, I never said love doesn't exist. I said young love, I just don't believe in it. How many times have I seen my friends get in relationships then one week later they SWEAR they're in love? Too many damn times. You DON'T love each other. You guys are like 14, maybe 15, years old, you have no idea what love is. You may think you do, but until you're older, and until you've had more experiences, you'll never know the true meaning of "love".
  Now, I'm not saying that those couples didn't like each other. Of course they liked each other, but what they thought was "love" was just a strong infatuation. One that goes away after you get bored of the other person. I can get bored of a person easily, that's probably why I don't stay in relationships for long, so I'll give some couples some credit. If they can stand to be with that other person for a year +, then that couple MIGHT be in love. Who would stay with the same person for that long if it wasn't for love?
  Those people that stay in a relationship for a couple months, they have a strong relationship, but still one that could break at any second. They have very strong feelings for each other and they're the ones that are starting to see the light to this "love" thing.
  Those that stay in relationships for a week or two and claim to be in love. Just...piss off. I don't even feel like wasting my breath telling those people how completely stupid they are. Don't tell the other person you love them just because you think your relationship might last longer because of it. Hell, it might be shorter because you said it. And don't say it because you THINK you're in love either. If you think or have to question that you're in love, you're not.
  When a person utters the words "I love you" it should be a sweet, amazing moment. They shouldn't say it too early when they don't actually mean it. They should say it later on, once the relationship has grown to point where one person knows for certain that they are in love with the other person. Because when they say it for the first time, they should mean it, and they should know they mean it. They should not say it just because. It loses its meaning after a while also, just like certain phrases. Like when people ask, "Are you okay?" you know that 9 out of 10 times, the person doesn't care. They're just asking to be polite. Or when people say "I'm sorry" they're just saying it to hopefully stop you from being mad.
  "I love you" is a phrase that should not be abused. It's something you need to truly feel, or else it just loses it's meaning like every other thing is in this world.
  Don't take advantage of love.
  Slow things down, enjoy your relationship, have fun.
  Don't rush love.

--Ranting Dina.
(nevermind the fact that I'm a slight hopeless romantic and I'm a sucker for a Sarah Desson book >.>)

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