Teenaged Shenanigans.
  You guys, life would be so much easier if we could all fly.
  Just think about it! No need for cars, or public transportation, and just imagine the positive impact that that would have on the Earth! We could go where ever we wanted, whenever we wanted. We could visit loved ones, friends that moved away, and just have amazing vacations. Sure, your luggage would have to be a little bit light, but hey, you can fly. So don't complain.
  Sorry for that, but I've been obsessing over super powers this week. Seriously, I even thought about driving to a nuclear plant and maybe chugging down a couple glasses of waste. Even though that would most likely kill me...but there's still a .1% chance that I would be gifted with amazing powers! Totally worth the risk, right? :D
....no? Hm...I'll listen this one time. But that won't stop me from wearing a red cape everywhere I go!!
  I'm such a child.
  I'm going to go now before you guys start thinking even less of me.

--Super Dina.

(my other obsession this week has been He is We. Especially that song below. LOVEEE.)

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