Teenaged Shenanigans.
  It's the middle of summer, and yet I'm in a Christmas mood. Which is weird because my family doesn't even really celebrate Christmas. I've just been walking around the house all day singing Christmas carols! It's crazy, my mom even yelled at me to shutup. My dad, on the other hand, just started singing along, hahah :D
  I feel like putting on my santa hat, my thickest winter gear, and going to some place with snow. I want to make snow angels, snowboard, make snowmen, have snowball fights, and drink hot cocoa! Doesn't that sound amazing right now??
  Maybe it's just because I can't stand the heat, it makes me all itchy and want to punch something. That's just if it's really hot though. I don't mind if it's a nice warm day, and there's a slight cool breeze drifting through, that's perfectly fine!
  Oh goody, it just started raining! I love the rain. I would go out and run in it if my parents weren't home. They usually end up stopping me from going outside.
  Damn, it is pouring! I'm going to try and sneak out to run. Bye bye.

--Dina Claus.

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