Teenaged Shenanigans.

  I wish they would all just go to a seperate corner of the universe and STAY THERE.
  The fuzzy legs, the twitching antennas, the crawling, the big eyes, the wings....oh god, the wings. I hate the wings. You're approaching a bug, thinking you're about to smart it, and BAM the little sucker flies either away, or toward you. Whenever it starts flying in my direction, I don't know about you, but I run into another room and lock myself up in there for an hour or two.
  I can't even write this blog without shuddering every five seconds.
  I can never kill bugs though. I usually call for my father to come and swat them into the next world. The only bugs I can kill is mosquitos and ants. Nothing else. Even fireflies freak me out. They're pretty and all, but if they come near me I run away like a little girl. I deluded myself into thinking they're distant cousins to the bees when I was younger, that's probably why I can't stand them now...
  You may ask why I'm writing a disgusting blog about bugs *shudders* and it's just because Rose was pressuring me to write one and as I was about to, I felt a disturbance in the force.
  That's right. A roly poly was crawling on my floor.
  I was so brave you guys, you should be proud of me. I got an index card and I sent it rolling under the door crack!! :D 
  Anyways, this should get Rose off my back for now. Bye bye.

--Wimpy Dina.

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