Teenaged Shenanigans.
  Have you guys ever been so bored that the only thing you do is literally stare at the walls? No? Is it just me? Well, this is awkward...
  I have loads of summer assignments that I should be doing, books that I could definitely be reading, people that I could be talking to, tv that could be stared at, but no. I'm being so lazy that all I'm doing is staring at the wall/window and thinking. I don't even know how I mustered up the energy to type this blog. 
  Now I'm hungry. Wonderful.
  My stomach is growling at me like a wild boar who's chasing its prey after weeks of starvation. It's growling so loud that I think I might be the cause of the next huge earthquake. Am I getting across how hungry I am? Too bad there's nothing in this house to eat. That's excluding the bread crumbs on the floor, the moldy cheese in the corner of the fridge, and the bruised beyond belief apples.
  I could walk to the gas station, but the sad part about being a teenager with no job, or allowance, is that you have no money. I could still walk there, with the hopes that I don't pass out on the way, and steal a candy bar! Would you guys think less of me if I did that? I could become the Candy Thief. Causing terror and mayhem to every corner store possible!!! Managers and little children across the world would be scared to even mention my name!!! MUAHAHAHAHAH >:D 
  Ahem...*cough*, but of course, I would never steal.  Even if it brings all that glory.
*noms on arms*

--Hungry Dina.

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