Teenaged Shenanigans.
  A list of the things that I use to want to be in...a somewhat chronological order.
  • Petrologist--1st through 3rd grade
  • Spy--all my frikkin' life
  • Neurologist--3rd grade
  • Veterinarian--4th through 9th grade
  • Fashion Designer--5th grade
  • Author--7th grade and still going
  • Book Editor--8th grade and still happenin'
  • Psychologist--9th grade and still strong
  Now, seeing all of those, I think it's pretty obvious that my calling in life is to be a spy! I would love to run around and kick some bad guy butt, I mean seriously, who wouldn't? All those cool action spy movies just put me in the mood to dress in all black and go out on the street in the middle of the night and chase bad guys! But seeing as if I ever met a bad guy I would probably just run the opposite way, I would probably end up chasing bunnies in the middle of the night... >.>
  I want to save the world! I want to have some type of super power! Or at least, amazing ninja skills. I want to fight crime and lead a double life!
  *sigh* excuse me while I go daydream some more of my never going to happen fantasy.

--007 Dina.

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