Teenaged Shenanigans.
Dude be happy school's almost out. I'm planning on being over at your house so much your mom keeps tofu in your fridge. :) And since summer's coming you can sit around and sext Dom all day or whatever you two do. And you can write blogs more often! Woohoo.

Oh PS: Go check out Ryan's blog, it'll give you something to make fun of me for. Alas, long distance relationships, god love them. :)

There was something else I needed to tell you... Ah ha I remember now! Remind me to see if I can come over on the 11th for our Star Wars Marathon. But you're not allowed to do my makeup this time, last time I had raccoon eyes and my mother almost killed me. Not that she hasn't tried before but still that whole fiasco could have easily been avoided if I didn't let you talk me into letting you do my makeup.

Well I'm done I guess. Love you guys! :)

-Rose <3
New blog: It's my boyfriend and his best friend's blog (I'm just trolling on it. :)

Boys suck with technology. Boyfriend is trying to make a blog with his best friend and I have to make it. The things you do for the people you care about.. Sigh. But oh well he's cute so I'll do it.
Do you ever have those days when all you do is screw up everything? You fall out of bed when you first wake up from fighting with the blankets that are trying to constrict you. Then you pour apple juice on the counter missing your glass by mere centimeters. Then slip in the shower and almost drown. Then fight with your boyfriend (actually a one sided argument, he doesn't even know what the hell is wrong with you and why you went from flirty to a devil). Then realize you were wrong and try to apologize but he's too busy talking to you. And now you're laying in bed reading minecraft articles waiting for him to respond on yahoo messenger cause his phone died.

Oh... maybe that's just me... Probably. If someone else is going through this you are my long lost twin and I want you back. Some days everything is just going wrong and you wanna crawl under your Batman blanket and sleep but you can't cause you have two huge projects to work on. IB projects are never done, le sigh. Wait I don't take French. Ay dios mio. There now that's right.

I'm gonna sit around and wait for Ry to respond, sorry for getting mad for no reason baby. <3

-Rose <3
I gots a phishy! Yay! Her name is Malý Raisa, which means Little Rose, cause she has a red tail. It's a betta phishy, and it's sooooo cuuuuutttteee. (Jesus I sound like my mother). *sighs*

Any who I just got back from getting my phishy and I'm all excited now. Even Mr. Fuckshit piece of shit aka MFSPS couldn't ruin my mood right now! :DDDDDDD I'll write a better blog later once I calm down.

Love you guys, bye!

-Velký Raisa <33333333
Dammit, school is starting in ten days. Like our lovely Dina said, there are people i seriously don't care to see ever again, those people know who they are. Back to the drama, the heartache, and utter bullshit that comes with school.

Now I'm pissed. X(. Ugh and I've gotten no papers from school! I don't know my schedule, teacher, fucking nothing. I'm FUCKING OCD I need to map out the best route beforehand! Yes I'm weird, fucking deal with it. Damn I'm saying fuck a lot well,








Sorry my dad pissed me off, he doesn't want me to grow up, so he bitches me out about everything. Makeup, music, style of dress, beliefs, and EVERYTHING!!!!

I'm going to go now. Love you guys, I can't fucking wait till I'm fucking 18, so I can tell my parents to fuck off.

-Rose <3
Yes your two favorite bloggers are back! *Insert happy dance here!* God summer is almost up, its gone by so fast, well except for a couple of random parts that have probably been ranted about on here. Well I had fun in Florida, going to Epcot (a Disney Park) was awesome. SOOOOO many cute foreign guys, and so little time to talk. *Sigh -.-* Anyways, lets get guys off the mind for a moment (yeah right).

I'm glad that summer's almost over actually. I'm tired of sitting around the house and eating (fruit and chips mostly, but still not cool). I miss my friends and I'm ready to put some things in the past, Dina we need to work out a game plan NOW!!! She knows what I'm talking about. Anyways I do love school, not the learning part, but I love the people. That means my friends, and my old Bio teacher, I flipping love her! She's the reason my mind is forever in the gutter, and when it isn't I'm seriously depressed and suicidal. Yeah, I'm making my own level in hell. It's called Rose's World, and all the fun people are there! :D

Oh and the cute neighbor boy was on vacation, yeah I know extreme let down, but trust me, Disney made up for it with French guys, ugh I'm drooling just thinking about it. Oh and there was the Cuban guy with GREEN FUCKING EYES, like my shade of green. God if I was a whore, I would of hit that up! Ok Rose cool your jets, calm it down. You have school crap to work on. Yeah I'm gonna go. Blogs will be up regularly (from me at least, Dina is something i cannot control. Last time I tried she BIT ME! :O) Don't forget to check out our new Facebook and Twitter Pages.

Love you guys, and I hope your summer made as good stories as mine did!

-A very happy and in the gutter Rose <3
Haha omg this had me cracking up. I got this off this site called http://iwastesomuchtime.com/. I realized I have way too much free time and nothing to do. That's probably why I spend so much time on random site. I go on a lot of sites.

I go to/ have an account on:
  • Weebly
  • Tumblr
  • Fanfiction
  • Booskie
  • MLIA
  • FML
  • DBPB
  • I Waste So Much Time
  • Omegle
  • TFLN
Yeah this has been my summer so far in a nutshell. I can't wait to go to camp, even if it's religious, I just need out of this house and away from mi familia. They are driving me MUY LOCA!!! Anyways if you're ever bored go check out one of those sites.

Love you guys, a very bored and tired Rose signing out.

-Rose <3

Ps I'll blank on Dina for not updating more, but she's got a new boy toy so she's busy getting wrapped around her little finger. Hehe, what ya'll know that's what girls do. Ok bye guys *hugs!*
This summer I've been listening to some really weird music, to say the least. I've been listening to everything from Hey Monday, to Family Force 5, to Hey Monday, to Downtown Fiction, to The Cab, to Paramore, to Eminem, to Skillet, to BoA. Yeah it's pretty random, but that's a good thing. The more diverse the music you listen to is, the more likely you'll find someone who has the same favorite song. And who doesn't love to talk about their favorite song or band? I know I do. My summer playlist in no particular order is:

  • Monster by Paramore
  • Thanks for Nothing by Downtown Fiction
  • I Don't Wanna Dance by Hey Monday
  • How Do You Love Me Now by Hey Monday
  • Disturbia by The Cab
  • Wake the Dead by Family Force 5
  • Earthquake by Family Force 5
  • All of Eminem's old stuff.  Only Encore and back. New stuff is ok-ish but the old Eminem is, well for lack of a better phrase, FUCKING AMAZING.
  • Did Ya by BoA
  • Eat You Up by BoA
  • Every Heart (Minna no Kimochi) by Boa. For the moments I just need a calming song.
  • The Last Night by Skillet
  • Monster by Skillet. That was my first Skillet song, ah memories. I gotta thank Turdle for having it on her Ipod, then having me fall in love with it.
  • Don't Wake Me by Skillet
  • New Enemy by Thousand Foot Krutch
  • Swept Away by Flyleaf
  • Welcome to the Masquerade by Thousand Foot Krutch. Sort of the theme song for life. It's about who everyone is living in a masquerade and not being who they are. But then the lead singer is the only one not wearing a mask, and being real.
  • Courage by Orianthi featuring Lacey Mosley from Flyleaf
Ok and my top five (i which everyone needs to listen to are:

  1. Monster by Paramore
  2. Thanks for Nothing by Downtown Fiction
  3. Wake the Dead by Family Force 5
  4. I Don't Wanna Dance by Hey Monday
  5. The Last Night by Skillet

Ok that's all for today. If Dina ever responds to me I'll have her post a blog. Love you guys, go check out my top five, they are amazing.

-Rose <3
God August can't come fast enough. One because I miss my friends and I'm tired of being stuck with my family. And two because I'm going to Florida in August with my brother, aunts, and three dogs. I know crowded ass car, and a lot of loose hair (icky). We're staying at my aunt's dad's house, and there are two perks to this. One he has a pool, two his neighbor has a teenaged son, who is super cute, as are his 4 other friends who play basketball with him (shirtless!!!).

This is going to be the highlight of my summer, besides whenever I can get my dad to let me dye my hair (red most likely) or I convince my parents to let me get gauges (probably not going to happen, but I can dream). Dina and I were talking about this earlier, and it got me super excited, so I decided to blog about my excitement! Those guys are always nice to me, even back when I was really shy and dorky (not cute and cool dorky like I am now either, like the shy dork you see on tv. Yeah that bad, I definitely don't miss those days. Ok back on topic) around guys. They always waved and asked how I was, I'd usually blush and get a few words out... barely. Geez I've changed tremendously since then, just ask Dina, she knows. Wow talk about a gillion years ago. I can't wait to go and see these guys. And this time I have experience with guys (like as in dating, thought I should clarify since some people are dirty minded), I'm single, and.... we'll see what happens. And of course I'll keep you updated!

And next week I'm going to camp, it's a Christian camp (bleck), but I've been going since I was like 6, so I'll bear it, if only for my grandma. And I know all the administration, and all the counselors. I love Peter (from England), Ignacio (from Spain, he was SSOOOO happy when Spain won the Cup, he was cute too)! Anyways there are usually one or two guys who are cute. So I think I'll survive the crappy food, and religion being stuffed down my throat.

Ok I'm going to try to make this a little bit more of a learning experience than just me babbling on about cute guys, I'll save that for when I text Dina after this. :D Ok so I'm just saying you never know where you might find a summer fling. You could find one at the beach, next door, at camp, the mall, anywhere. And in my opinion a summer fling doesn't count as a really relationship if you don't keep in touch past when school starts (for me August 25, right?) So I'm just saying have fun this summer, wear the cutest bikini ever made, make sure you get a tan (wear sunscreen though), and don't stress yourself over anything, that's what they invented school for.

That's all for now, I won't be able to blog for a whole two weeks starting on the twenty-third *Rose starts sniffling*. I'll type up some blogs for Dina to post for me. But when I come back I promise to have a bunch of funny stories from camp, and from the bumpkin kids in my grandma's neighborhood. Oh white people ya'll are ssssoooo weird.

If you guys have any ideas or things you want me to write about, leave me a comment, or send me an email, cause writing two weeks worth of blogs is gonna be tough. Ok can also reach my on any site that I write on, just type in Evanishing Rose on the Google search bar. My email(s)  is(are): [email protected] or [email protected]

Love you guys!

-Rose <3