Teenaged Shenanigans.
Dude be happy school's almost out. I'm planning on being over at your house so much your mom keeps tofu in your fridge. :) And since summer's coming you can sit around and sext Dom all day or whatever you two do. And you can write blogs more often! Woohoo.

Oh PS: Go check out Ryan's blog, it'll give you something to make fun of me for. Alas, long distance relationships, god love them. :)

There was something else I needed to tell you... Ah ha I remember now! Remind me to see if I can come over on the 11th for our Star Wars Marathon. But you're not allowed to do my makeup this time, last time I had raccoon eyes and my mother almost killed me. Not that she hasn't tried before but still that whole fiasco could have easily been avoided if I didn't let you talk me into letting you do my makeup.

Well I'm done I guess. Love you guys! :)

-Rose <3
Ami (bobby pins)
6/6/2012 08:48:18 am

so i really really like your story bless the broken road. its pretty great
^-^ have a good summer maddie!!


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