Teenaged Shenanigans.
Dude be happy school's almost out. I'm planning on being over at your house so much your mom keeps tofu in your fridge. :) And since summer's coming you can sit around and sext Dom all day or whatever you two do. And you can write blogs more often! Woohoo.

Oh PS: Go check out Ryan's blog, it'll give you something to make fun of me for. Alas, long distance relationships, god love them. :)

There was something else I needed to tell you... Ah ha I remember now! Remind me to see if I can come over on the 11th for our Star Wars Marathon. But you're not allowed to do my makeup this time, last time I had raccoon eyes and my mother almost killed me. Not that she hasn't tried before but still that whole fiasco could have easily been avoided if I didn't let you talk me into letting you do my makeup.

Well I'm done I guess. Love you guys! :)

-Rose <3
New blog: It's my boyfriend and his best friend's blog (I'm just trolling on it. :)

Do you ever have those days when all you do is screw up everything? You fall out of bed when you first wake up from fighting with the blankets that are trying to constrict you. Then you pour apple juice on the counter missing your glass by mere centimeters. Then slip in the shower and almost drown. Then fight with your boyfriend (actually a one sided argument, he doesn't even know what the hell is wrong with you and why you went from flirty to a devil). Then realize you were wrong and try to apologize but he's too busy talking to you. And now you're laying in bed reading minecraft articles waiting for him to respond on yahoo messenger cause his phone died.

Oh... maybe that's just me... Probably. If someone else is going through this you are my long lost twin and I want you back. Some days everything is just going wrong and you wanna crawl under your Batman blanket and sleep but you can't cause you have two huge projects to work on. IB projects are never done, le sigh. Wait I don't take French. Ay dios mio. There now that's right.

I'm gonna sit around and wait for Ry to respond, sorry for getting mad for no reason baby. <3

-Rose <3
And FYI I didn't play minecraft, I sat around and sung (if you can call it that) Japanese music and dubstep. Is it possible to sing dubstep. Wub wub wub wub wub DROP WUUUBBB WUUUB WUUUUB. Yes I have just proven it possible, I deserve a nobel prize. :) Well I'll settle for a cookie, or a new black pen since Tre....Trayton stole my ink out of my pen.... fucking bastard.

So to the actual point of this, is there ever a point to these things? Anyways! What I plan to do on my day off.

  1. Write a ton.
  2. Listen/ download illegal music.
  3. Eat.
  4. Sleep.
  5. Shave.
  6. Go for a walk.
  7. RPG with Ryan.
  8. Play Oblivion.
  9. Read blogs about Oblivion.
  10. Watch the squirrels.
  11. Plot on how to catch the squirrels.
  12. Attempt to catch the squirrels.
  13. Fail miserably.
  14. Back to the drawing board.
  15. Attempt to get a life.
  16. Fail miserably.
  17. Go back to playing Oblivion.
  18. Eat.
  19. Write.
  20. Sleep for next day.

Ok yeah I do need a life but it's on my list of things to do. ;) Yeah doesn't make it look sexual, damned winky face with it's sexual innuendos . Oh well love you guys, bye!

-Rose <3
Wow amazing how much life can change in less than a month. Since that last blog post so many things have changed. That person I was ranting at (sorry if you read that dude) are cool, better than cool, friends again. Super happy face time :DDDDDDD

Haha sorry I'm just in a good mood, and I had sugar. But I completely do not understand how to do my algebra II homework, FUCK!!!!!! But anyways it's all pretty cool. Trying to think about something in my life that's blog worthy. Oh I started a NaNoWriMo story. For all you lame, I mean epically cool.... :D people that don't know what that is, it stands for National Novel Writing Month. If you wanna read it go to Boooksie.com and type in Maddie Carr.

Ugh I'm horrible I know but I don't feel like writing. Love you guys, I'll get Dina to blog this Sunday when I go over.

-Rose <333333
Well obviously I'm awake and alive, I'm here blogging aren't I? But I'm also listening to Awake and Alive by Skillet. Check out Skillet's album Awake. It's has a lot more ballad-y songs and is just so calming and relaxing. Their last two albums were really good. Awake and Comatose, go listen children.

Haha that reminded me of how Lady Gaga calls her fans little monsters. Hehe I'm going to make up a name for you guys. Any suggestions? If you tell us on Twitter (@dinaandrose). Or Facebook (Dina & Rose).

Anyways the REAL REASON i decided to write a blog is well, a few reasons. Life is such, ugh no comment-o. But a friend of mine emailed me a story he wrote. And needless to sayIT WAS AMAZING!!!! The style was amazing, and the characterization was amazing. Props to you my friend, you know who you are (SHIT! That sounded creepy. Great next thing you know I'm going to be Facebook stalking someone. I'll stalk Dina :D hehe). Well school started last week, it already sucks. IB is the most challenging program offered in all US school, I know I checked. I better get into a good fucking college for this -________-. Anyways blogs will be sporadic.

Dina, who the hell knows when that bitch gonna update (still telling Andrew. I can handle my ish, so suck it bitch). Me? When ever something seriously inspires me, or I have some new poetry. I've got a few right now. I can for once say thank you for my Personal Project because it forces me to write a poem pretty much everyday. Ok well I've gotta go. Debate ishness to work on, woop (anyone hear the sarcasm in that besides me???)

Love all you guys, just an FYI just in case you didn't know that!

-Rose <3
Story time!!!!!!!! Ok so once upon a time there was a girl named Belinda, Lenny for short. She was dating this guy named Carson. They loved each other very much, and loved being with each other. Then one day while they were talking Lenny said she didn't believe that Justin Bieber was a good singer. Carson was very surprised, and angry (because he loved The Biebs) so he dumped Lenny. Stupid reason huh?

Well Lenny was very sad so she called her best friend Raisa. Raisa, like some any good friend plotted Carson's murder, and such. Raisa helped Lenny get over being sad (cause no guy is worth wasting tears for), and everything was good! Yay!!!!

Then a few weeks later Carson called Lenny. Lenny wasn't completely over Carson cause it had only been a little while since they had broken up. Lenny talked to Carson for a while and hung up. "Maybe we can still be friends! What do you think Raisa?" Raisa said,

"I don't think you can be friends. He broke up with you for a stupid reason. You do what you wanna do, but I just don't think it's a good idea." So Lenny continued to think about it. Then one day she was working on some school work, and couldn't think of the answer to the question. Not thinking it completely through she called Carson. He helped her find the answer and (to cut a long story short), said he wanted her back, and he still 'loved' her.

Lenny didn't give him an answer, and when they hung up she called Raisa. Raisa said some very not nice words about Carson. And Lenny was thinking about going back out with Carson. Raisa told her it was a VERY bad idea, but it was her choice. Lenny thought about it, not a lot I guess cause she decided to go back out with Carson because she loved him, and he 'loved' her.

Lets see how this story plays out.....

Love you guys, I'll keep you post. Oh and a question, do you think Lenny should've gone back out with Carson?

-Rose <3
"Broken trust and broken hearts.
Somehow the truth comes up missing,
sweet little lies in this
cold hearted world.
Am I the reason for your endless sorrow?
Nobody's gonna come and save you.
After all the things we've been through.
Don't know how we got into this mess,
I don't want to hold on, I want the strength to let go.
Tired of being what you want me to be.
Hurts me to say goodbye but,
you're not worth it."

Wow. I miss creative writing class. I remember writing this. I love how poetry can hold one meaning one day, then a completely different meaning the next. Poetry never ceases to amaze me. The flow, the sound, the stark beauty of it, the truthfulness of the words. I think if i could marry poetry I would. Can you? Someone figure that out, cause if it's possible, I'm doing it.

Anyways before when I first wrote this it had me think about just all this ish going on in my life at the time. I'm not gonna put all my shit out there, so I'll just say it was bad. The line that stuck out to me then was "Hurts me to say goodbye." I don't know why. Well I can't remember why. >.<

Now the line that sticks out to me is "Somehow the truth comes up missing." Cause that's what's going on now. If you know the current drama, meaning 3 or 4 people. (I'm withholding judgement until I get the real story, not the BS excuse I got). Then I'll decide what's gonna happen. Dina that means no murder on the first day of school. No murder until I give you the go ahead. And no threatening either, I gotta get the full, unedited version of this first!

Ok another blog will be up sometime today. Love you all!

-Rose <3