Teenaged Shenanigans.
Dude be happy school's almost out. I'm planning on being over at your house so much your mom keeps tofu in your fridge. :) And since summer's coming you can sit around and sext Dom all day or whatever you two do. And you can write blogs more often! Woohoo.

Oh PS: Go check out Ryan's blog, it'll give you something to make fun of me for. Alas, long distance relationships, god love them. :)

There was something else I needed to tell you... Ah ha I remember now! Remind me to see if I can come over on the 11th for our Star Wars Marathon. But you're not allowed to do my makeup this time, last time I had raccoon eyes and my mother almost killed me. Not that she hasn't tried before but still that whole fiasco could have easily been avoided if I didn't let you talk me into letting you do my makeup.

Well I'm done I guess. Love you guys! :)

-Rose <3
New blog: It's my boyfriend and his best friend's blog (I'm just trolling on it. :)

Boys suck with technology. Boyfriend is trying to make a blog with his best friend and I have to make it. The things you do for the people you care about.. Sigh. But oh well he's cute so I'll do it.
Do you ever have those days when all you do is screw up everything? You fall out of bed when you first wake up from fighting with the blankets that are trying to constrict you. Then you pour apple juice on the counter missing your glass by mere centimeters. Then slip in the shower and almost drown. Then fight with your boyfriend (actually a one sided argument, he doesn't even know what the hell is wrong with you and why you went from flirty to a devil). Then realize you were wrong and try to apologize but he's too busy talking to you. And now you're laying in bed reading minecraft articles waiting for him to respond on yahoo messenger cause his phone died.

Oh... maybe that's just me... Probably. If someone else is going through this you are my long lost twin and I want you back. Some days everything is just going wrong and you wanna crawl under your Batman blanket and sleep but you can't cause you have two huge projects to work on. IB projects are never done, le sigh. Wait I don't take French. Ay dios mio. There now that's right.

I'm gonna sit around and wait for Ry to respond, sorry for getting mad for no reason baby. <3

-Rose <3
So life, it's been.... interesting. Most recently I have a boy******. Gasp I know crazy right! I don't wanna rant ton about that so much more stuff to rant about. Like how James and Alex will only give me gum if they get to shoot it into my shirt. Looks like I'm wearing tanktops for the rest of the year (hey don't judge me, it's free gum!).

Um what else? I got a new fish tank for mah phishy! She/he wikes it! She/he schwims round and... schwims around! Yes I do actually baby talk to my fish, shut up people. Um what else has happened in my life? I've written a lot, go check out my Booksie, it's my most up to date thing. Just look up Maddie Carr. Do it now!!!

I don't think I have anything else to talk about. Well bye!

-Rose <3