Teenaged Shenanigans.
So life, it's been.... interesting. Most recently I have a boy******. Gasp I know crazy right! I don't wanna rant ton about that so much more stuff to rant about. Like how James and Alex will only give me gum if they get to shoot it into my shirt. Looks like I'm wearing tanktops for the rest of the year (hey don't judge me, it's free gum!).

Um what else? I got a new fish tank for mah phishy! She/he wikes it! She/he schwims round and... schwims around! Yes I do actually baby talk to my fish, shut up people. Um what else has happened in my life? I've written a lot, go check out my Booksie, it's my most up to date thing. Just look up Maddie Carr. Do it now!!!

I don't think I have anything else to talk about. Well bye!

-Rose <3

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