Teenaged Shenanigans.
And FYI I didn't play minecraft, I sat around and sung (if you can call it that) Japanese music and dubstep. Is it possible to sing dubstep. Wub wub wub wub wub DROP WUUUBBB WUUUB WUUUUB. Yes I have just proven it possible, I deserve a nobel prize. :) Well I'll settle for a cookie, or a new black pen since Tre....Trayton stole my ink out of my pen.... fucking bastard.

So to the actual point of this, is there ever a point to these things? Anyways! What I plan to do on my day off.

  1. Write a ton.
  2. Listen/ download illegal music.
  3. Eat.
  4. Sleep.
  5. Shave.
  6. Go for a walk.
  7. RPG with Ryan.
  8. Play Oblivion.
  9. Read blogs about Oblivion.
  10. Watch the squirrels.
  11. Plot on how to catch the squirrels.
  12. Attempt to catch the squirrels.
  13. Fail miserably.
  14. Back to the drawing board.
  15. Attempt to get a life.
  16. Fail miserably.
  17. Go back to playing Oblivion.
  18. Eat.
  19. Write.
  20. Sleep for next day.

Ok yeah I do need a life but it's on my list of things to do. ;) Yeah doesn't make it look sexual, damned winky face with it's sexual innuendos . Oh well love you guys, bye!

-Rose <3
I had the worst epiphany ever. I am the female version of Alexander Sinclair Pope. Kill me.

My reasoning is this:

  1. I'm playing minecraft.
  2. Listening to dubstep.
  3. Watching anime.
  4. Watching random documentaries.
  5. I hang out with him too much.
  6. We act exactly alike.

Dina if you love me you'd kill me now.  Like come over now and literally kill me, or just wait till Wednesday when we go back to school. Woohoo to four day weekends!!!!! :)))) Ok I'm gonna go, love you guys.

-Rose <3

PS: I'm gonna go play minecraft. :)))
Dina, what's wrong?????? Dude text me now....

-A confused and worried Rose <3
One Dina, that line is from a dubstep song so it = EPIC so shut up since this is seriously the only way I get to talk to you. Dva (think I misspelled that, oh well it's supposed to be Bosnian for two or dos) just be like me and give your honest opinion all the time. The fake bitches will hate you smart people will love you, meaning me and random smart persons in your life. All you need is Ri, Dom, and me and you'll be fine :D. Just kidding.

But seriously, people usually value honesty and if they don't they can go talk to their reflection in their mirror cause obviously they're idiots. I'm feeling extremely protective of my friends today, maybe it's because ______ GF had a miscarriage. I'll explain in depth later... like at school later... like in the morning later.... like in the morning in the gym later.... like in the morning in the gym on the bleachers later.... I feel like I misspelled clarify.... oh well....

I feel like I'm using a bunch of dot dot dots.... SEEEE!!! Ugh sigh I'm so out of it today. I really wanted to put another dot dot dot there, and here (dot dot dot) God I need to do my homework and go to bed. I really want a cookie too but stupid Catholic had to ruin oreos for me again.... (ugh I did it again!) and bring up that slideshow we looked at. Remember the one Andrew had us look at? *Shudders* That shudder might of been partially from cold but oh well... (FUCK AGAIN?!?!?!) Jesus I gotta stop that. And I wanted to do it again. I'm gonna go. So to summarize.

  1. Dina be a bitch, it's appreciated more by your real friends.
  2. I hate stupid Catholic (not the religion, but I do have an irrational fear of Catholic people)
  3. I use dot dot dots too much
  4. My family plays Oblivion too much (the game before Skyrim)

Bye love you guys!

-Rose <3
Best song ever. No questions asked. Dubstep listen to it. It also has one of the best lines ever: Cause that bass makes that bitch cum. And it's a girl rapping that! Oooooh buddy! Anyways um so... how's life? Me? Thank you for asking but not responding to my question. Ok here's the drama of my life....

I'm for all intensive purposes this dudes girlfriend but with none of the benefits. Why? Cause he already has a girlfriend! :D Didn't see that one coming did ya? Ha! But anyways. This guy has a girlfriend, but whenever I'm with him he's all over me like white on rice or black people on a welfare line. Then when he's with his girlfriend it's like I'm not there. I'm not a man stealer on of the very few things I'm not, but still I shouldn't be treated like this. I guess this is what marriage is like once you stop having sex... but anyways I can't tell him because he's a good friend of mine and it would cause a lot of problems I'm not about to spill on this blog, mainly because I don't know if he still reads this or not. So we won't even give him a fake name because when I give people fake names they always figure out.

Ah the drama of my life.

Ok love you guys! Bye!

-Rose <3

PS Dom I do not hate you contrary to what Dina has told you. I hated you when you dumped her for a bullshit reason, but now that you guys are cool and all I got over it. Like got over it a while ago. Ok bye Dom. Break her heart again I break your face. :) But only if you break her heart, pinky swear.