Teenaged Shenanigans.
Best song ever. No questions asked. Dubstep listen to it. It also has one of the best lines ever: Cause that bass makes that bitch cum. And it's a girl rapping that! Oooooh buddy! Anyways um so... how's life? Me? Thank you for asking but not responding to my question. Ok here's the drama of my life....

I'm for all intensive purposes this dudes girlfriend but with none of the benefits. Why? Cause he already has a girlfriend! :D Didn't see that one coming did ya? Ha! But anyways. This guy has a girlfriend, but whenever I'm with him he's all over me like white on rice or black people on a welfare line. Then when he's with his girlfriend it's like I'm not there. I'm not a man stealer on of the very few things I'm not, but still I shouldn't be treated like this. I guess this is what marriage is like once you stop having sex... but anyways I can't tell him because he's a good friend of mine and it would cause a lot of problems I'm not about to spill on this blog, mainly because I don't know if he still reads this or not. So we won't even give him a fake name because when I give people fake names they always figure out.

Ah the drama of my life.

Ok love you guys! Bye!

-Rose <3

PS Dom I do not hate you contrary to what Dina has told you. I hated you when you dumped her for a bullshit reason, but now that you guys are cool and all I got over it. Like got over it a while ago. Ok bye Dom. Break her heart again I break your face. :) But only if you break her heart, pinky swear.
7/17/2012 03:12:34 am

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