Teenaged Shenanigans.
Ok last night Dina and I were up late talking on the phone. We were talking about a lot of random shit and I told her some personal stuff that I've never told anyone. Not Brandon, not Alex, not M'Kyla, or any other person ever. We've been friends long enough that I trusted her enough to tell her. This quote got us talking about more serious topics.

Like what the best kiss in our minds would be, what it would take to get us to have an actual serious relationship, etc.

Her ideas of a best kiss were:
  1. She and whatever guy are talking and opening up to each other. Then she starts to cry, and she puts her head down, so he can't see her cry. Then the guy tilts up her chin and leans in slowly and kisses her.
  2. Having fun and laughing then they catch each other staring and lean in slowly and kiss
  3. She and whatever guy are fighting and yelling. then he pulls her close and kisses her really hard.

Ah our Dina is a hopeless romantic. God love you.

Ok and I only had one.
  1. Me and whatever guy just goofing around and laughing our asses off about something. Then out of nowhere he pulls me into his arms and kisses me. Just a short, sweet, and simple kiss.

I'm still a hopeless romantic, but not as bad as Dina. I told her her first one was great, it was cute, sweet, and unrealistic. I honestly don't think that is possible. The part I think isn't possible is the opening up part. I'm not going to bore you with my very sad story that we'd call my life. I only tell Dina that, and my friend Tre.

But then something Dina said something that made me think. "Well, that's why it's so perfect. It's a challenge, and if the guy can do it then he can seriously earn my trust." That got me thinking. Can a guy really break down the walls of our hearts. Prove to us that he cares enough. Neither of us have dated guys that have made a dent on those walls.

She honestly thinks that it will happen. I'm withholding judgment. What do you guys think?

6/29/2011 11:11:49 am

i agree with dina :)


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