Teenaged Shenanigans.
June: Being lazy and sleeping. Babysat my aunt's dogs for a week.

July: Went to Virginia for two weeks. No Internet. Babysat for my aunt the day after I got back.

August: as of today I've been babysitting for my aunt since July 28 (two weeks and some change) and no plans in going home soon. My mom is being a bitch so I'd rather stay where I at least get some degree of appreciation (the dog getting excited when I feed her). So Dina I have no clue when I can come over to your house. I haven't even been to my own in two weeks.

I'm just tired of nothing being good enough for my mom. I cleaned my aunts house completely, even the outside, my mom then felt the need to point out everything I missed. So I'd rather stay here.

And can you explain the English summer assignment to me? I get the annotating part and sort of get the responses thing. But I need some just to tell me in layman's terms what I need to do. Thanks!

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