Teenaged Shenanigans.
Parents. From ages 0-10 you love them to death. From 11-29 you hate them. And supposedly from 30-whenever you love them. Yeah right, oops did I say that? Oh of course you love them, because they're so perfect. Did anyone smell that? Oh that's the sarcasm permeating the air.

Yeah things on the parent front isn't so good. They're fighting a lot, my dad hasn't been home all day. And by all day I legit mean all day. My brother knows something is up, and he's worried. My fucking mom won't tell me what's wrong, and it's pissing me off.

I don't give a shit if they're fighting, I grew up with my mom fighting with her boyfriend before my step dad. Fight all the fuck you want, just keep it quiet, and not when there are people over. (It's so white trash when people do that and my mother has done that before when I was younger, soooo embarrassing. Just FYI my mom and step dad are white. My biological father is black, white, and Puerto Rican).I just don't want them fighting in front of my brother. The second that happens they're gonna figure about the fact I curse like a sailor. Well actually, I make a sailor look like a saint.

I swear to whatever god or whatever it is that you guys believe in, if that happens shit is gonna hit the fan. My brother is still innocent, he's a kid. He's never had an adult hit him for no reason. Or make him go to bed without eating. Or hurting him. He's never seen two adults fight, throwing shit, yelling and cursing. I have. I don't care if they do it when I'm home, but I'm extremely protective of my brother, I think I'm worse than an older brother with a younger sister.

If they do that, I'm sure as hell not living here. I'll stay with an aunt, or cousin, or who the fuck ever. I'm not about to let my brother or I live in that situation. Been there done that, once was enough for me, and my brother was too young to remember, so he doesn't need to see it.

Well I hope things are going better with you guys, lets keep going strong, holding our heads high, fighting back the tears, and smiling and laughing to forget the hurt. I'm trying, you try too. Four times out of ten it works, that percentage is good enough for me so go on try it.

Love you guys, bye. :)

-Rose <3

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