Teenaged Shenanigans.
Anyone guess what that song is from? What about you Bobbypins ;D. Hehe, inside joke folks don't worry about it. Anyways I have my ipod on shuffle and that song came on and it made me think.

Do you remember all those times I remember?
All the smiles,
all the fun times,
all the times you stood by me,
all the times you were the only thing keeping me from slitting my wrist?
Do you?
Because I do.

I remember them all.
Every smile I shared with you.
How you would light up whenever I walked near.
How I would brighten up too.
I remember you being the only one who could make me smile.
I remember when you said I make your life worth living.
I remember how you stopped cutting because I asked you too,
I was too afraid to lose you, so you stopped, just for me.
Do you remember?
Because I remember each vivid detail.

Do you remember when we stopped being there for each other?
Do you remember how much it hurt, not just for me, but you too?
I know it had to hurt, cause I thought I'd never see a bright day again.
I thought I'd live in days of gloom and heartbreak forever,
with no one to pull me out.
No one to play my favorite songs to make me laugh,
quote comedians with, and give me a hug exactly when I need it.
Do you remember?
Because I sure as hell do.

But I see bright days again,
no matter how much you meant to me then,
you can never be that again.
You left me in the dark,
and I found the light by myself.
Deep down inside I still care about you,
but I'm happy now so I don't want you anymore.
But still, do you remember our amazing times.
Because I remember baby.

Our times together were some of my best.
But now it's time for even better ones,
so I still care about you,
but I,
am done.

Wishing those days back,
reminiscing the past.
I still care,
but baby,
those days are done.
So I'm gone.

Bobbypins :)
10/18/2011 10:24:37 am

YAY! IM (SEMI) IN YOUR BLOG! love you :)


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