Teenaged Shenanigans.
She's broken and bleeding.
Left alone to die.
Is this what you wanted?
To see your once upon a time love,
and dying?

What happened?
Where did this once strong love,
so strong it could light a candle
from a thousand paces.
Where did it go?
Why did you let it go?

To her once upon a time love.
When did you stop loving her?
Left when she needed you the most.
You had her heart,
and threw it away.
It broke in that alley, in the rain.
Right where you left her.
The heavens crying "why, why leave her there to die.?"
Her heart is floating down to the sewer.

The rest of her is alone.
In that same alley.
She's broken,
Left alone,
when all she needs
is someone to care.
Not even love just care.

But you left her to die,
in that cold dark alley.
Her crying out for you,
and you walk away.

When did it stop?
What did she do?
She never stopped loving you,
until now.

She see you're not worth her tears.
She picks herself up off that dirty, cold, and wet alley.
She leaves her heart,
filled with her love for you.
She'll find another.

There's always another,
a better one.
She walks away.
from you, from her life with you.
She can and will do better.
Just wait and see.

One day you'll realize your mistake,
leaving her in that alley to die.
She came out stronger,
more alive.
She's left you in her dust.
This is her final goodbye.

"I never want to see you again.
You left me broken.
I'm all better now,
no thanks to you.
But you get no second chance.
Goodbye, and good riddance."

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