Teenaged Shenanigans.
Ok let me just say this, so I can get it out of my system. LEWIS WATSON IS ONE OF THE SEXIEST PEOPLE I'VE SEEN IN MY LIFE!!!!! Ok so besides this guy being cute he is an amazing singer. His voice, it makes angels cry. His song #3 is, just, there's no words. It's that good. Go to http://lewiswatson.bandcamp.com/track/3. This song just makes me melt. I'm completely in love with him. It's a damn shame he's in a relationship and lives in England. Oh but unrequited love is the best there is. God I will always love this guy, I can't wait till he becomes mainstream. He's such a great artist, he totally deserves it. Please spread the word about him, the more people that know about him, the sooner he becomes the next Justin Beiber. Except cuter, and a better singer. :) (No offense to Beiberlers, but ya'll are crazy. And not a good kind of crazy).

Ok well this was a short blog, but I've got pictures of my baby daddy Lewis to drool over. So bye everyone. Love you guys!

-Rose <3

11/3/2011 10:05:20 pm

oh God, yes! i completely agree with you! He is so hot and sexy that when I see his pictures, I feel butterflies... I love him so much and nnot just because his looks and voice which is absolutely angelic but also his character. of course, i dont know him in real life, but when i read his posts and answers on tumblr, i feel that he's the most perfect guy in the world! lets spread the new so that he will become more and more popular! :D
love <3 Lewis forever!


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