Teenaged Shenanigans.
Ok so I have a friend. Her boyfriend broke up with her. She wasn't hurt, it takes a lot more than that to hurt her. She started texting him and he said he sorta regretted dumping her.  You can't try to walk back in someones life, after you walked out. This girl just laughed her ass off, she rolled on the floor, literally. So many people have walked out of her life, hell what's one more?

Guys a piece of advice. Think long and hard (quote) about ending a relationship, especially when you said you would never leave her. (Then say if she still like you you'd take her back once school starts. She will never ever ever EVER, cause that gives you power over her and that ain't happening.) At least a week, that's what I did with my ex B , and I was sure it was the right thing. My friend's ex, as far as she knows, didn't do that. Most major problems in their relationship were (at least in her opinion):

  • Lack of communication
  • No seeing each other
  • Things done in a moment of anger, or confusion
Communication via text doesn't count. Texting is an impersonal thing, it can't show emotions. Saying I love you? You can't get tone of voice. Yes i know it's easier to text, but there's no human connection. You can't have a relationship through a cell, it doesn't work that well.

Her parents are REALLY strict and wouldn't let her go out, hence the reason they texted. Her parents would listen in on calls, so she never called. So like I said texting..... BAD IDEA!!!!! Not that she had any other choice but still... not good.

The night before they broke up, they were texting each other their usually lovey dovey jargon. He was saying she was amazing, and beautiful, and etc. She said he was too, and he said no he wasn't. She wanted him to know he was (cause she wouldn't of dated anyone who wasn't). They argued back and forth and she got annoyed, and went to bed. She couldn't sleep and a few hours later she was thinking about their relationship. They  had been writing a story together, and because she's not that good with addressing conflict or confronting problems, so she wrote him an email as their characters. She addressed every problem in their relationship she thought there was, and sent. She went to bed, and had to go to work with her aunt the next day.

Once she got back, she saw like 8 texts on her phone. Guy was breaking up with her. She shrugged and told her mom (mom was happy as hell. She didn't like the guy.). She texted her bestie, and told her. Bestie and her laughed it off, and said "Oh well his loss. Imma have fun this summer ;)" The guy texted her a few times asking if she was mad (she liked him a lot, but his actions don't control her emotions.) She said no, and talked to him for a bit. She didn't care, it was his loss. He still wants to be friends, and she (being the realist she is) said maybe. If he thinks he can just walk in and out of her life, he's muy loco. She's severed all emotional ties with him. He's just some random person now. Maybe still her friend, but he has lost the best guy friend title.
There's always a silver lining though. She's been wanting to change her look, her style, and image to something that matched her better. But since she was in a relationship, she didn't because it wasn't the guy's thing (dumb move on her part), and she couldn't devote the time or energy to it. So now that she's single she can do that.  So goodbye average looking her, hello to new and improved her! some of you will see at school this August. Lets hope her parents will let her do what she want to do to her hair, and image. Keep your fingers crossed I'll keep you updated on how she and her ex are doing, everyone loves a good soap opera.

Love you all my darlings.

-Rose <3

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