Teenaged Shenanigans.
and just another slightly (extremely) agnsty blog. Great I know. -_- Well I'm still not ok I guess, just nothing seems to be going right and every time someone tries to help they just completely turn it back to themselves. For example my friend 'Megan' was trying to get me out of my bad mood, and she said, and I quote "We're in this together. I'm stressed and confused." And then it went on. Well how the fuck does that help me? Woohoo you're stressed and confused, yes tell me more. You don't know my problems or what's going on so that's not helping me at all, we've all got problems but when one of us is seriously depressed and had barely said more than 50 words today, I think that might, for once, take priority over your shiz. Just sayin.

Yes as you can see I'm getting no help on the friend front. And the family front isn't doing much better. The second I get in the car my mother is bitching me out about something, so much fun.... NOT!!!!
I'm actually going to bed early just to avoid talking to people, and today I didn't really talk until debate started after school. (I only talked in debate because I had to help the Public Forum novices learn how to do shit since I was the only varsity kid there).

I hate when I just need to be left alone, and then all people want to do is worry over me. 99% of you so called 'friends' don't know anything about my life. And that 1% doesn't even know everything. So that one percent is only one person who can bother me when I need to be alone (her name rhymes with Mena), and she was respectful and just let me work it out myself. Everyone else was bugging me with "what's wrong?" "are you ok?"

No you fucking idiots, you guys are bothering me! You people rarely give a flying shit about me or my life, and the second I let it show how sad I am, then you people want to come and try to be a friend? That's not how friendship works. Friendship is when you're always there no matter what, and never leave. Ever. I can't stand most of you people at my school, so just leave me alone. I have my ipod, my writing, and my internet connection, I seriously don't need you.

Someone who's older than me and is reading this blog, please tell me after high school it gets better. Cause if it doesn't get better once my four (now three) years are up, then there will be a big problem for me. But there's no possible way that life could get worse than this. I'm already hanging on by a silk thread. If it gets worse, well, it's going to be a lot worse for me.

I'm going to go guys. Just remember that even if no one gives a shit about me, that doesn't mean it's the same for you. Use this blog to remember that someone does have it worse than you do. And if your life is truthfully worse than mine, then use it so you know there is a step up (even if this step is a shitty step). Bye.

-Rose </3

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