Teenaged Shenanigans.
Skillet, it amazes me how much I can relate to your music. You're hardcore Christians and I'm hardcore atheist, but your songs are so relatable, I love it! Anyways hey guys, it's your lovely Rose :). I've been listening to Skillet non stop for about a week now. Before that it was Family Force 5. And the week before that Hollywood Undead. Yes I listen to such weird music, don't forget about my obsession with Japanese music :D.

I just, well have no real point to write about, just felt the need to blog. Ok I thought of my topic for the blog. Here it goes:


Trust me in life there will always be choices you made you'll regret. Not asking out the guy or girl you like. Falling for the wrong person. Wearing that horrible neon yellow shirt that made you look like a raver. We all make bad choices, it's part of human nature. And if you think you don't make bad choices either you're delusion, and you should see a doctor; or you're not being completely honest with yourself.

Just take ten minutes, only ten or so. Just sit there, and think. Think about all the friends, lovers, and people you've lost because of a bad choice. I've made a ton of them, trust me. I've been doing this a lot recently, making bad choices, and reflecting on those choices. Some choices I've made, may of not been the best for the other party, but in the end once my heartache stopped, it was the best for me.

As you all know, I don't open up to people. I've never opened up to ANYONE completely, ever, not even to Dina. So when I care about someone, in any sort of way, it hurts to let them go. To have to forever live with the fact that that person isn't in your life anymore. But usually if you've made a drastic choice like that, then it was most likely for the best. Maybe not for that person but for yourself.

And when I get those instances to think about things, it makes me realize that every bad choice I've made is a chance to grow and develop as a person. Losing a best friend, it may of hurt like hell, but in the end getting rid of all the bad things in your life is always best to do, even if it hurts. To me losing a friend is the WORST thing ever. My friends are my family because I don't get along with my actual family. So losing one is like pulling the plug on a family member who's on life support.

Ok well I think I'm done with this topic. That song the title is from is called 'Lucy' by Skillet. It is one of the most amazing songs ever written. I love it and I love all my readers. Oh and a new chapter on my RPG should be up soon, working on a rewrite of the second chapter from Blaze's point of view, and the fourth chapter.

Love you guys for like EVA!!!! :DDDDDDD

-Rose, who's finally <3

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