Teenaged Shenanigans.
:'( God I'm like so sad right now. My poor friend Cassidy is in such a relationship pickle and I have no clue how to help her. Jesus fucking Christ. She is just in such a bad position right now, and I'm trying to help but I have no clue how. Every option and idea we've thought of the outcome is bad for all involved. The guy, her, and me. The guy is really sweet and with every idea he just ends up getting hurt. I don't want to hurt him, he really likes Cass, and he's an awesome guy. But every turn we make in trying to fix this just isn't working and I don't know what to do!!!!

God I can't do this. I just seriously need my girls over for a sleep over, a Kinect dance party, ice cream, a hug, and some serious retail therapy.  :(. Sorry for a not so good blog, if I feel better I'll write one later.

Love you guys, hope your relationships are going better than Cassidy's. I think this is the number one reason I'm glad to be single. I don't have to deal with bullshit relationship problems anymore. I think I'm going to stick to flings till I'm old like 25. I'm going to go eat some soy ice cream, and watch RENT. Bye.

< A very melancholic Rose </3 :(

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