Teenaged Shenanigans.
Gah, yes I know, DINA HAS UPDATED!!! I know some people have died from heart attacks, and instantaneous random attacks of rabies infected frosted flakes right now but the world has NOT ended. Ok now to the point of this blog.

I'm not sorry, I'm laughing my ass off. Brandonio and I were talking and then this nigga tries to ask me out again. O_-  Really? Yes really. That was how my face looked too, surprised, and 'what this nigga doing???' He and I went out twice (technically, the second time was for like seven hours), and it didn't work. HOW THE FUCK WOULD IT WORK NOW?!?!?!?!?!?! So I told him no and he got pissy and ended the conversation with

"Damn i was ask to see u agian damn i moving and wont every see u again i would make for u but fuck it talk to whenever"

Yeah. So I think this blog can end here. Love you guys bye.

-Rose <3

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