Teenaged Shenanigans.
Halle-fucking-lujah I'm alive! Yes it's official you're lovely, amazing, funny, obnoxious, crazy, funny, dirty-minded, and modst Rose is alive! But I'm on a dial up computer (yes those things still exist) so it's taken me over 30 minutes to load this so I can write. I will try to blog this week, but alas this computer loads so slowly that I resort to banging my head on the table till it loads (I might as well burn some calories while waiting, head banging burns 360 calories a hour!)

Anyways I'll be home to good ole home soon, my shower (I miss good water pressure!), and my laptop (wifi you are my one and only love, sorry in advance to any future husband or hookup). Anyways I'm going to go eat my weight in watermelon and fruit by the foots so bye guys!

I love you and I'm back!

-Rose <3

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