Teenaged Shenanigans.
Fuck you. Yes I said it, been wanting to say it to you forever. Fuck you, fuck all your bullshit, fuck all your lies, fuck all your two faced bullshit, fuck anything having to do with you. But it's all my fault isn't it? I forgot that in the word FOREVER there was also the word OVER. You lying piece of shit.

You know what? I always say I never lie, but I have told one lie. Wanna know what it was? It was me saying I love you to you. The only time I've lied. I don't even love you as a fellow human being, much less as a friend. How can you even be polite and nice to me to my face, but behind my back you're talking shit?!?! How the fuck does that work? I would be your friend, I really wish I could, honest, but you are too much of an insecure punk ass to be friends with. How did I EVER stand being friends with you? I must of been drunk. You know what? Next time you wanna talk shit, say it to my face. If you're so big you can say it behind my back then say it to my face.

Ha, yeah right, you won't. Sometimes it's easy to forget that you're an insecure worthless piece of shit. It's sad really. I don't see how someone can be so low and pathetic. If I feel anything for you anymore it's either contempt or sad for you. I hope you mature up because you can't continue in life acting like this immature child. Just because 99.9% of high schoolers act like immature bratty bitches doesn't mean you have to or should.

I really do hope you learn from this. Honestly your life will improve so much if you do. Bye.


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