Teenaged Shenanigans.
I know, I know I haven't written anything in days. I'm a horrid person and am going to burn in hell. Tell me something I don' t know. Anyways I'm obviously writing right now, and for the next two weeks updates are going to be very rare. I'm out of town with a computer on dial up (ugh). So I'm not going to fuck with that evil PC at all unless something really cool/weird/awesome happens.

Ok now to the point of this blog. Drum roll please. *insert drum roll* What I am. I finally figured it out. I'm a liberal. I know some people are thinking "what the fuck does some kid know about liberals. She hasn't paid taxes in her life, and her whole idea of news is whatever CNN says." Well one I am an avid reader on CNN but at least I'm not reading Fox. I do read CNN but I also read a bunch of other sites and magazines. Yes I'm a nerd ^^.

I don't know why I'm, at almost fifteen, I'm talking about politics. Maybe it's because my parents have completely opposite beliefs and ideals. I'm pro-choice, they are pro-life. I'm for same sex marriage and equal rights, they are stuffing their beliefs about how being homosexual is a sin and if you're gay you are going to hell in my little brother's head. I'm atheist and they are bible thumping hypocrites (I mean they only go at like Christmas, and Easter.)

Now there was something else I wanted to say but I sorta forgot, so I'm gonna write until I remember. Lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala
lalalalalalalalalalalalalalalalala. Anyways well I can't remember. So I'm just going to go. I'll post a funny picture later or a poem or something. A tree hugging, gay loving, feminist Rose signing out!

-Rose <3

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